Friday, March 14, 2008

list no. 14

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLINA! (do you know what's so great about blogs? you get to meet some fabulous people. i heart kimberlina. i wish her a wonderful 29th year! and a great evening shuffleboarding in the company of her lovely friends.)
  • i made a very big mistake today. and at the end of the mistake, i figure it only cost about $3.95, plus tax. but still. i was out thrifting and bought a grab bag of silk scarves. oh my god. mothball nightmare. and if that wasn't bad enough, most of them are threadbare and stained. there's nothing worth salvaging. i have always been charmed by the grab bag concept, but i cannot remember a single grab bag worth a damn. grrrrrrrrrr, madge. you never learn.
  • steve and i are addicted to a new show - the closer. i must admit at first i was like, ouch. kyra sedgwick's accent is burning my ears. but i'm sensitive to that. anyway, i got over myself quickly and am now really enjoying the first season...
  • every single time dean jumps onto our bed, he farts.
weekend must-dos:
  • check tire pressure
  • mow lawn
  • weed in backyard
  • figure out what to do with whiskey barrel
  • " " black chairs
  • replace track lights
  • grocery shop
  • mail wedding pictures to mother of bride, friend of bride
  • vacuum
  • return library books
  • clean floors
  • rearrange kitchen cupboards
  • take pictures of pets
  • laundry

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

thank you so much, madge!! should you feel like driving up... you're always more than welcome to join us. shuffleboarding is fun AND easy. :)

SO awful about the scarves! i'll have to remember to never grab a grab-bag. pun intended? haha.