Monday, March 10, 2008

list no. 10

I'm not sure I have it in me to make another list! Isn't that funny. The bullet icon is glaring at me.
Hold me, kiss me, CLICK ME, thrill me.

I CAN'T! At least not tonight. But I am posting. So there.


Yesterday I had this interaction with a youthful patron:

"I need information about the peace crops."

"The peace crops. (I indulge my young friend and search for a book on peace crops; I visualize whirled peas). Hmmm. Maybe you are thinking of the Peace Corps?"

"No. The peace crops. If it helps, I know that Kennedy was involved with it."

AAAAAAAH. That silent "s" really fouls people up, doesn't it?

We found plenty of information on the Peace Corps.


Tired. Hungry. Dreaming of food. Salivating. Oh, hello Walgreens Fruit Froster. Make me full until I can get the hell out of here and cook me some food.


Kate said...

How youthful was this patron?

kimberlina said...

hahahahaha! oh, the public.

they sure do keep you chuckling, don't they?

Kat said...

At least you don't work with people who are that youthful. One youth at my work was easily lead to believe that 2 of the older staff had been in WW2 together...they aren't even close to being THAT old.

Verdant Earl said...

Some say that marijuana is a peace crop.
