Sunday, February 03, 2008

tomorrow is really tuesday

Sundays are actually my Mondays, but for the most part they're low key, quiet days that go by quickly.  Weird coincidence:  a woman came in earlier that needed to print out a boarding pass for her flight back to Seattle and I said, "Oh! I'm from Portland!  Can I touch you?"  Just kidding.  But I did mention where I was from, originally, and she grew up in Portland and we went to relatively close high schools.  CRAZY!  Portland Interscholastic League, hey now now!  And then, a bit later, something weird transpired (something weird in the public library - can you imagine?).  A guy asked me where I got the burn mark on my right ring finger.  ER.  What-what?  I was like, this microscopic callous that I get from pressing too hard on my pencils when I write?  That burn mark?  "Yes."  Sometimes the over-observant make me think of serial killers.  


Kate said...

I write with my ring finger, too. My mom always tried to get me to rest the pencil on my middle finger, but I never could do it.

Watch your Site Meter. The over-observant scare me, too.

kimberlina said...

hm. my burn mark is on my middle finger. i'm intrigued to see your pencil holding skills. picture?

Verdant Earl said...


Ookami Snow said...

You should make up a "Portland handshake" that you teach everyone that you meet from Portland. That way you can keep track of people you have met before.

...In case you need to...

Kat said...

What a random thing to ask. That's the kind of question that would be followed by an uncomfortable pause.