Monday, February 18, 2008

mozart morning = coffee + rain + pets

I love holidays like President's Day. A day off in February, a Monday no less, that doesn't require buying people gifts? Give. Me. More. Oh -- my favoritest holiday is Labor Day. Another no-gift Monday off celebrating WORKERS, not presidents. United States of America - you are so good to me.

  • laundry (curiously, this chore never...completely goes away)
    • wash, dry, fold, hang
  • drop off utility bill at my quaint city hall building
  • clear desktop
    • that's an order
  • read through back-issue Bookmarks and make a list of books to read
  • officially sign up for NaBloPoMo, March 2008
  • mail off the dog picture
  • take pictures
  • and stick pots in the rain for watering
EDIT (6:30 p.m.)
So carried away by doing things other than what's on my list, I hardly got a thing above done! My desk is partially cleared off -- I was able to recycle a lot of paper and magazines. I planted another pot of impatiens (deep fuchsia)! I began what is already an excellent read ... The Big Girls by Susanna Moore (2007).


Kat said...

I am very listy. It only helps some of the time. The rest of the time is spent tossing out old lists ;o)

Ookami Snow said...

I don't know why, but collecting rain water to water inside plants has never occurred to me... good idea.

Verdant Earl said...

What pic of the dog are you mailing off to where?

Inquiring minds.

kimberlina said...

MAN! you got president's day off? well... i, at least, got less traffic on the way to work.

we used to have "staff day" on president's day, but w/ budget cuts... no more. now we just work.

it feels SO good to plant and replant. i felt really overwhelmed the other day and so i repotted a lot of my succulents. they're ever so much happier, as am i. being in the dirt really helps ground me. :)