Saturday, February 16, 2008

love, felt lots

Oh! I've almost forgotten what it is like to regularly blog. Strange how one week can feel like an entire month...
  • Last night I hosted my first bridal-ish shower-ish. It was more of a little party which was a lot of fun -- there were great guests and good (even excellent) conversation. Thank goodness for wine and music and food and pretty plates. Where would we be without those things? However, it was stressful to prepare for such a thing as all my guests were relative strangers. But all turned out quite well. Delight!
  • A photo from early the day of the party:
  • I've also learned that NaBloPoMo will now be a monthly, on-going challenge. Which is fantastic. I think I'll begin with March since I should be able to commit -- and it's an extra-long month, coming in at 31 days. Lists. That's the theme. I think I can do that.
  • In the spirit of last year's front porch florathon, I am once again in the mood to prepare some planted pots. I bought a flat of white impatiens today and put them in rectangular pots, lining the edge of our porch. They look so wimpy now (see picture below)! But I know they'll grow. That's half the fun, anyway. The two pots on the steps -- those are impatiens that I grew from seed last year.
(D. Sergei is back to his old Russian Spy ways.)
  • Valentine's Night was very, very special for me -- I came home tired from work and when I flopped into the house, Steve directed me to the bathroom -- where he'd strung up white lights, had a candle burning and a cooler next to the tub, chilling a bottle of Veuve. And then he cooked me dinner. Which was delicious. I am so lucky. A lucky, lucky girl I am. I would tattoo I ♥ Steve across my forehead if he'd let me. He would not let me. But I would.


Kat said...

You are so lucky. And as usual I love the pics. That one of the cork is stunning. I'd buy it ;o)

Tits McGee said...


I'm so glad you are so well cared for, sweetheart.

Kate said...

That sounds so lovely. I am so happy to hear the party went well. Perhaps I should try this nablopomo thing. But I cannot use my shift key enough to capitalize all those letters.