Wednesday, February 06, 2008

bright, sunshiney day


Awww, puppy so cute. Puppy so tired from chewing our blanket. That above was the new quilt coverlet. Now it looks like a Swiss cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off. Though it is suitable for a hobo now, we're going to use it for awhile longer.

And this beautiful arc of love is D. Sergei. Of all the pets, he's the only one that can make Dean pee his pants in sheer panic.

All the nonsense makes him sleep all day long.



Spinning Girl said...

I love them! SO snuggly!

But bad, bad puppy!!!!!!!!

Kat said...

That second pic is killer. Love it!

Verdant Earl said...

I want a D. Sergei of my own!

I think he would get along famously with Syd!

Lauren said...

I love pets!

Kate said...
