Thursday, January 03, 2008

spam project

We have to report any spam that makes it past the rigorous county filtering system.  Well, we don't have to - it's a project - therefore optional.  We merely fill out a form that asks for our e-mail address and the subject of the message.  Usually, I don't participate.  Today, I could not resist:
subject in question:  Gordon Giant Fuckstick


Verdant Earl said...

I knew a Gordon Fuckstick once, but his middle name wasn't Giant. Weird.

Julie said...

Good God!!!
P.S. Thanks for the links to your Solid Cherry blog at top of your page....NICE! I like to see your latest finds.

Tits McGee said...

Who could possibly resist Gordon Giant Fuckstick?

Meghan said...

hey you! long time no comment/post on my part.

i'm going to try to get back into the blogging routine, if only because i need something to do.

my first post will be all about why.


Kate said...

Happy to see that is getting through my home county's filters. I wonder if the school system has the same filters as the libraries...

For some reason this reminds me of how much fun I had in 2nd-4th grades playing those educational computer games at school, like the one where you used math to go throughout a castle. I miss that game.

Spinning Girl said...

I would love to have to report spam!!!