Saturday, December 22, 2007


So, I got a little present from my job. It was wrapped in the form of: your help is needed at [insert branch library location here]. Just today. While they're down employees because of the holiday and other reasons that are complicated. Anyway, where I'm at? I'm the only person around! I'm sitting at a desk and could blog for the next six hours if I wanted. It is dead! So I might do just that: blog, blog, blog.

I would say that this day is the best present ever, except that would be untrue. Because I'm reserving that title especially for Steve's gift to me, which he gave to me last night. Who can hold on to such great loot for three spare days prior to holly jolly Christmas? Because my loot was a major upgrade in the camera department. A Canon G9. RAW, here I cometh! By the by, my camera is sexy. Just pure sex.

And I have to take a moment, on this very public stage, to say to Steve - I'm sorry for being such a brat last night. I was cranky. Just crabby. Not my usual self. I was what they call, in the science books, a bitchola majora. I have a hard time coming home from a job where I have to be up, on, happy, witty, creative -- all day. I come home and my energy is low-battery style. It was too low to feign interest in the remodeling project. Which just irritated me and it irritated me that you weren't more irritated. In turn, it made me crabbier. Still! It shouldn't have been so. I'm sorry. Love, Scatterbrains

If I could invent something, it would be the magic cup of coffee. Cup, always filled. With the appropriate amount of cream. There. Hot, never cooling off. Alas, it looks good on paper, but that's where the story ends.

Ok. Possibly more to come today. Bathroom break - needed!


LittlePea said...

Oh you! Poor you, my library(ies) are all closed this week. We're all a little cranky this time of the year...better times ahead now that we're past the solstice- I hope. :O)
So jealous of the new camera. I'm sure there's an inventor out there somewheresss trying to come up with the endless cup o' coffee.

Merry Holidays Madge!

Spinning Girl said...

I would like a bottomless cup also. And a bottomless river of joy and patience, to dip it into.

Merry Christmas!!!