Tuesday, August 08, 2006

lately i'm going with bullets; this could change

  • My new Motorola L2 cell phone arrived in the mail today, woot! Why do I immediately check the ringtones to see if I like them? There are so many other, more important things to do – like register the SIM card. In case you’re curious, no – the ring tones aren’t so great. But I love the phone!
  • I’ve been listening to the new (-est; a 2004 release) Pink Martini CD all morning – Hang on Little Tomato. The pets love it, and I imagine little babies would, too.
  • Embarrassing admittance, #65,000: I had no idea what the term Bollywood meant until yesterday; I think I’ve misused it at least 4 dozen times.
  • My car isn't even worth the price of this ChloĆ© keychain ($615), but it's blinged out and, like, fierce.
  • Random memory generator: Shelly was the most popular girl. Ever. We became friends and ruled the fifth grade. We did safety patrol together, but I took it far more seriously. She told me that her brother had colored condoms. Condominiums? What? I didn't now what she was talking about, so I laughed and said, "that's weird."
  • Who says this wouldn't be fun? Let's caravan to Atlanta, girls (and boys? I don't think I have any male readers. Sigh).


Charlotte said...

* I check ringtones first, too. Of course, I still don't really get what a SIM card is.
* I heart Bollywood. And all things Indian. I want to have Indian babies.
* That keychain makes me feel so much less like a tool for buying my bridesmaids little Coach thingies tonight. But I still feel kinda stupid.
* Ah safety patrols... None of my patrols memories are quite that amusing. My closest patrol friend had a hairlip. I remember making fun of a girl wearing shorts with high heels. I'd still be catty about that.
* Ah, I miss Atlanta. Would you go for books or merchandise? I have a feeling they have some Italian bath products of mine. So much of my mail never got delivered when I lived there.
* I still haven't been to Vizcaya. Must go. Thank you for reminder!

Meghan said...

yeah, well, my cell phone has a speaker the size of a quarter on it.... and no cool ringtones. le sigh.

i remember learning what condoms were before knowing they had a purpose, and couldn't figure out for the life of me why anyone would want to take part in something like that.

ah, 6th grade. such strangeness.


kimberlina said...

my phone has crummy ringtones, too. i actually have a racing ringtone. it sounds like a nascar racetrack what with the zooms of speeding vehicles.

lame? YES!

your car is blinged out? i'm considering covering mine in bumper stickers to hide the dings and scrapes. even the ones on the roof!

i love that you did safety patrol. i did safety patrol! all i really remember is the satisfying sound of the buckle clicking together.

Tits McGee said...

From now on, every time I don't understand what somone is talking about, I will laugh and say, "that's weird." I may get punched a few times.

Also, I can't imagine anything I'd like to do more than that a road trip to Altanta with you to bid on unclaimed postal packages. I assume we'd be drinking heavily, yes?

Oh, and have you seen "Bride and Prejudice?" You really should. Naveen Andrews is in it and I want to lick his face.

madge said...

FYI - I love long comments.

Kate, I have a hunch you're a details person (re: little Coach thingies). That's very exciting. --- I'm a grab-bag type of person, so I'd probably go for merchandise at the auction...

Meghan, I have no idea when I actually learned what a condom was, but for a long time I thought it had something to do with condos, and sex in condos. I just didn't understand.

Kimberlina, you're a closet Nasker fan! Mwahahaha! Safety Patrol had its benefits, like getting out of school early, and...and...

Tits, it's confession time. You are hysterical. Hysterical. Yes, drinking. Lots of drinking. And, um, face licking.

Meghan said...

i think Tits may be onto something. i'll try that idea out next time i'm at work and somebody calls in a fight.

-set scene: fight on campus parking lot. two WMAs are drunkenly swinging at eachother with beer bottles. enter MEGHAN-

Meghan: -laughs- that's weird.

-the two WMAs turn and beat MEGHAN with the broken bottles for calling them "weird".-

-the next day in the hospital. MEGHAN is laying in the ICU. two doctors enter her room through the fogged glass door-

DOC 1: Meghan, we're going to have to remove your babymaker. there's too much glass from that Heinie bottle stuck in there.

Meghan: -laughs- that's weird.

-end scene-

ok, i think i need to go back to sleep. that was incredibly weird, even for me.

cheers! (oh man am i strange)


madge said...

Meghan, get some rest. ;)