Thursday, August 03, 2006

films, florida, & fun-fun-fun

Tons of DVD fun will be going down shortly. Here's what I currently have from the library:
Can you tell I don't make it to the movies much these days? That's okay, popcorn and Junior Mints (yes, together in the same bite) are definitely cheaper at home (and you can't beat the price of a library card). However, I saw Miami Vice over the past weekend - it's a tradition of mine to see at least one action movie during the summer (this tradition began in high school when it was still okay to like Tom Cruise and shell out $3.25 to see a Mission Impossible matinee) and I have to tell you, I'm about ready to dive into the business of dealing illegal drugs if that means I can drive a go-fast boat between Miami and Havana for dancing and mojitos. Oh my word! So. Sex-ay.

Speaking of Cuba...this is an intense time to be living in Florida.

And speaking of Florida, can I get a what-what? Or, how 'bout a woot-woot?


Meghan said...

i've seen.... Capote, Munich, and North Country.

hearts to all of them!


ps. lemme know what you think of Born Into Brothels.... i want to see that.

kimberlina said...

and what about that shootoff craziness on n dale mabry!?

that's right near my house. wtf?

Tits McGee said...

I have seen none of those movies, but I totally love Junior Mints + popcorn, washed down with ginger ale. YUM!

madge said...

Meghan - I'm most looking forward to Capote.

Kimberlina - I hadn't heard of that, so I TBOed it - damn! In-tense. I miss the insanity of Dale Mabry - kiss it for me the next time you can.

Tits - Will try the ginger ale fix. Mmmm. Do you fancy a particular brand?

Meghan said...

oh shit, i love ginger ale. Canada Dry is the best!


Tits McGee said...

I'm a Schweppes gal, myself.

Meghan said...

i'm definitely lucky. this one guy i dated never gave me back the second disc of my copy of the White Album. bastard.
