Wednesday, July 05, 2006

the photographer

I was so off with something that I need to make right. I had started a post in secret to dedicate to Steve's latest photography accomplishments and then I scrapped it because he's modest and humble and not me-me-me showy. I deleted it. Then he shyly asked why I didn't tell y'all about his very good news.

First, he just finished building a darkroom. He made everything from scratch and eBay. Darkrooms are complicated. There are enlargers, chemicals, no lights but reddish lights, timers, sink basins...and other things that I don't know the names of that he built from a puzzle of won eBay auctions. He is developing and printing black and white photos completely analog, without using a lab or middleman. He's a genius, but he hates when I say that. But believe me folks, it's true.

Secondly, not so long ago, he began using a medium-format Holga camera. These are cheap cameras ($20) with plastic lenses. They take really awesome pictures. This is me with D. Sergei:

(We were trying to be Russian models. D. Sergei is halfway there. Me...not so much.)

Third, he entered this contest:

{mooncruise* | gallery is looking for submissions for a group photography show entitled "PLASTIC", featuring work created with Lomo / Toy cameras (eg. Holga, Action Sampler, Diana, etc). Artists are asked to submit 5 to 15 images along with a short text that explains the idea or inspiration behind the work. Larger collections of images will be considered as long as a cohesive theme is apparent.}

AND...FOUR of his entries were selected!

The gallery is in Vancouver, B.C. Here are the show details:

PLASTIC* 07.14.2006 - 7.30pm
An international group show of photography created with toy cameras.

The show will run for eight weeks!

He was also featured in the online Mooncruise* | Magazine, which I have linked in my sidebar. His feature is in this volume (there is no direct link to his issue; he's in issue 201 - the only Steve). The magazine features and promotes photographers and musicians - it's new each month and quite personally, I love it.

There you have it. In spite of all of this, my latest obsession is this. I reallly wannnna go to Vancouver.


FRITZ said...

first of all, i miss you.
secondly, i will knit you a hat.
thirdly: steve and michael need to hang out.

fourthly: i am so proud of steve and really glad you introduced me to that site. michael has an abundant talent and love of the urban and urbane, much like steve. both of these guys have a fantastic eye for composition, light and color. that particular magazine is exactly what we need to see more of: industrial, gritty, and beautiful work. there is one particular picture steve did of the handicapped parking spots that really really touched me. can steve and i work out a trade? i'll knit two caps for one print...

hey, artists have to work together, ya know? but tell steve we are proud of him here at the Fritz household. and madge, you're just too, TOO cute. damn ruskie cat.

Tits McGee said...

Congrats, Steve! Thanks for including the link to his work - really good stuff.

And you, my dear, and your cat, are adorable.

Spinning Girl said...

That photo is lovely! I shall follow the links a bit later.
And you are lovely.

madge said...

Fritz, this is do-able. Anything for a magnificent hat! Stay tuned to your e-mail!

Titsy, yay! You're back! I will pass your words along to Steve.

Spinnsy, you are lovely!

carolina anne said...

I like the black and white ones. Maybe Steve would like to take P-Town pics this summer... seeing as though plans have severely changed.

Charlotte said...

I love the handicapped spots photo, too. The way that blue stands out is incredible!

And congrats on the darkroom! That's the coolest part of photography to me.

kimberlina said...

god damnit!

i keep reading your blog and then forgetting to post. and then i read the comments hoping for a cute answer, and realize... i didn't post in the first place!


i checked out steve's photos, they are awesome! and you look so lovely in that picture! be steve's model more often. :)

btw - i'm going to steal steve's darkroom. don't tell! ;)

madge said...

.V. - Pipe dreams, baby, pipe dreams. We're trying!

Kate. - Thanks for checking out his photography.

Kimberlina! Now I feel pressured to say something cute. You can use (or steal) the darkroom anytime you'd like...really. We just found a retro mom & pop art/easel store not too far from the house, so...I am already thinking of GFSS WPB field trips...this place is just kitschy enough.


Meghan said...

excellent for Steve! that's fairly impressive. i can barely put Clyde's lightbulb back onto his tank when i'm done cleaning it.

nice photo, btw. very Rusky (or however you spell it). motherland would be proud.


Anonymous said...

Vhy, zank you, Meghan. Za Muzzaland vould be very proud, yes.

Meghan said...

i'm honoured to have been responded to by d. sergei.

as for the postcard watch... i bet some cabbie in NYC jacked it, and it's currently hanging on his wall amidst about a million other postcards he's stolen, all from females named Meghan.


Spinning Girl said...

Now I followed the link. I finally had time.

I love the photos; they exhibit, to me, a stark reality.

I liked his bio as well.

Allegro said...

That's an enchanting photo!

Dan and I... *squints*.. not so good with the Holga. The pictures dun turn up half as good as urs!

Great pictures tho!

Meghan said...

huzzah for the postcard getting to you!

(i wrote it balanced on top of a subway map, in an L train... can you tell from the handwriting?)


Meghan said...

random thought that you may appreciate:

"if people didn't take photos, and didn't listen to old people, would history exist?"

enjoy. or don't. i was vaguely entertained.


duff said...

i agree- that is a very cool picture.