Friday, July 21, 2006


  • Finished summer term! Celebrated at Thai Thani with my friend, D. Fuck yeah.
  • My love affair with PBCC's library continues - nicest librarians in the world + they sell old periodicals for .25. I bought 4 mint-condition Interior Designs from 2003. Excellent.
  • Tomorrow is my grandpa's 79th birthday.
  • It's the weekend, and the fridge is full. Is there anything better than that? No grocery shopping! And I even have a bottle of wine.
  • Steve and I have been having X-Files dates the past week. Old episodes air at 2:00 a.m. on SciFi, so we make midnight snacks and snuggle in the dark and watch the sexual tension between Mulder & Scully erupt in the thick of some creepy plot. So. Much. Fun.
  • I finally found the Portland fix I was looking for - the Portland Mercury's blog, Blogtown, PDX. See sidebar.
  • Word of the weekend: organize! My desk is a rumble jumble of crap and I just can't take it anymore.
  • Objectives of the weekend: take photos! See the ocean! I haven't since I moved back to the East Coast of So. Fla. - yipes. I live a mile from the tropical Atlantic and I never go enjoy it. Get library cards from the city + county libraries. Doh! (That's a little embarrassing considering, well, everything). Read! Drink wine! And, uh, do some laundry. And catch up on e-mails.
  • I want to change the look of my blog, too. Steve is really good with this sort of thing, so I'm going to beg him to help me with my new look. He is, however, fixing and refinishing the hardwood floors in our house and it's kind of [...a huge undertaking...] that doesn't lend itself much spare time to make foofoo changes to the Duck Motif.
  • I love my pets. Cole the black lab plays with D. Sergei's ball of yarn as if it was the greatest toy that was ever invented. Or he's secretly making me an afghan with his teeth - I don't know. But I sure love afghans.
  • Happy weekend to you!


kimberlina said...

hurray! semester over! :) congrats congrats, madge!

it sounds like you're having a wonderful time down there, even in the rumble jumble of hardwood flooring.

btw - it is 6.52 am and i am at work. what's wrong w/ me?! at least it's overtime....

ps - send me your addy?

Tits McGee said...


Have a kickass weekend, dear Madge.

Charlotte said...

I miss Loggerhead. Beaches in Miami just aren't the same.
My profile photo is some random old lady at Loggerhead who I want to be when I grow up. Please go to Loggerhead and pretend to be an old lady who spends her day at the beach with her towel thrown over the back of her chair, reading a novel to the sounds of the waves. For me... cause I can't. Unless I go after the bar... ooo... That's it. I'm going on Thursday. How long's it take to drive from Tampa?

I get to go to Loggerhead!!!

But I'm still jealous, cause you can go whenever you want. Like this weekend. While I study. Boo.

madge said...

Kim! Congrats to you, too! Why are you celebrating at work?! On an early Saturday a.m.?! AHHHH. Addy coming. Will e-mail you. (I have something for you, too - btw).

Thanks, McGee. Will do. May I hire you to serve me McGee mojitos in my semi-tropical backyard?

Kate, I too love Loggerhead. W-H-O-A. It's one of my favorite places in Palm Beach Co. - if I were richer and/or a senior, I would live in Juno. If you are a somewhat fast driver, it takes 3 hours and some minutes to drive between Tampa & WPB. Take SR 60 & the Turnpike; it's the fastest route. Are you taking the bar in Tampa? Have you been there before? Need any advice?

Charlotte said...

Yep, it's in Tampa. I've only ever been there by way of high school chartered bus for Busch Gardens trips.

The advice I need is mostly how not to freak out that I'm going to fail and/or how to memorize FL law in 2 days, one of which will be spent in the car. I don't think there's much help for me at this point. As for the driving, I'm leaving it all up to the Boy. I just want to know when I can be at the beach :)

Back to practice problems... sorry I keep leaving such long comments! I'm so bad about procrastinating. Here I go again, just going on and on so I don't have to get back to it.

kimberlina said...

unfortunately... i am at work, yet again, at 6:15 am. *sigh* remember that pesky tuition payment problem? well... now i need to pay ant back. so hello overtime!

i haven't worked ot in... ummm... maybe a year? so i figure it's time. plus, they have a $250 bonus if you work both days, 8 hours. and a raffle where you could win an extra $1000 or $200.

here's to hoping!
and my second cup of coffee so far..... ;)

Tits McGee said...

Hell yes. I'll do it nude, too.

Meghan said...

ooooooooh, pretty banner. hope the weather isn't as bizarre in your neck of the woods as it is here. dry as a bone desert one day, humid with thundershowers the next.


madge said...

Kate, I believe you're taking the bar now-ish. Wow, good luck 'n stuff.

Kim, did you say coffee? :) But damn, the OT pay sounds nice. Would you be willing to work overtime for me next weekend, and then just send me a check for your efforts? ;)

Tits, even better.

Meghan, I guess the weather in PDX has been f'ing miserably hot. Here, it is normal for July & I'm just thankful there are no tropical storms brewing...

Tits McGee said...

Ooh! Pretty new banner!

madge said...


Meghan said...

tits copied me! i'm telling...

err.... yes, i suppose i am telling. huh. nevermind.

i said it first!


FRITZ said...

i love your new blog land.
i love Mulder and Scully.
i love Cole and D. Sergei.
i want to come over.

okay. i'll be in Naples on September 23rd. swing by and say hello!

kimberlina said...

hmm... very tempting.... how about a yummy glass of asti next time you're down? ;)

Charlotte said...

Thank you, Madge!

One day down, tomorrow to go. Then a nice little trip to Bern's Steakhouse! SO looking forward to this time tomorrow! And THEN Thursday it's Loggerhead time! :) :) :)

madge said...


I lived about 3 blocks away from Bern's! (I never went, but I hear they have killer desserts - I think Kimberlina mentioned this to me, yes?) Say "hi" to the 'ol neighborhood for me!