Wednesday, June 21, 2006

everything is everything

  • My (former) gas company has a blog. Please leave them silly comments. It would give me a tremendous sense of satisfaction...please, do it!
  • I've been rocking out to Wolfmother all weekend+. Have a listen!
  • Officially, I'm living with Steve. This is very exciting news for me, personally.
  • This is also exciting news for D. Sergei, as he's back living full-time with his best friend, Cole the big black lab.
  • I'm no-leads jobless. This feels wonderful.
  • Next Saturday, I head "up North" to Boston and beyond (Maine, Vermont, and other tiny yet equally important states) for a week. I have a hot rendezvous planned with a sexy white-haired lady: my mom.
  • Ummm, dude, I LOVE The Big Lebowski. There might not be another movie out there that I love as much.
  • Tonight I bought a pad of graphing paper because it felt like the cool thing to do.
  • Wow, the Miami Heat won the NBA Championship! It is time for me to admit that when the Portland Trailblazers were "good" in the early '90s, my older sister and I fervently collected basketball cards and were a little obsessive about pro-basketball in general. Dad put up a hoop in the driveway, but we only played HORSE and not much else. To this day, I still love Clyde "the Glide" Drexler with all my heart and a good basketball game. And just for nasty kicks, I absolutely, positively reserve the right to admit that this idiot is the biggest douchebag that ever walked the face of the Earth.
  • Thank you and goodnight.
  • P.S. There are a lot of frogs out tonight.


Tits McGee said...

Holy crap! You're going to be up in my neck o' the woods! Need a place to stay, mama?

PS: I heart graph paper. As a child, I used to draw "blueprints" for houses on graph paper and fantasize about being an architect. What a nerd.

PPS: You're living in sin!

Allegro said...

Congrats on living with ur Steve!

Its really fun when you get to live with someone else and just the 2 of you! And you have animals too! I see a family...

madge said...

Tits! I am the devil's own.

Allegro/Listless! We do have a crazy family: a dog, a cat, a tortoise, coral, and one lone clownfish. And you're right, so far, it's really fun!

FRITZ said...

I'm the dude!

Big Lebowski seriously rocks. Oh, goody, you're in love (tra la la) and have moved in with Michael's twin (la la la) and you'll be getting married soon and D. Sergei will come out of the closet and I'm so thrilled for you!

Love you! LOVE YOU!

madge said...

Dude, I'm the Dude!

Loving you right back, Fritzie.

Spinning Girl said...

Those gas people deleted my comment, the fuckers!