Friday, June 23, 2006

closed temporarily

Sweet readers: I'm heading "up North" for a week ~ when I come back, we shall celebrate the Independence Day of this great nation, together. With sparklers. And pop-its.
*In three days, I will have been blogging for one year. Holy shit! Some of my favorite posts to keep you busy while I'm gone...

first post ever. yes, that's me behind the tree.
my aunt looks like nathan lane.
there is nothing quite like a tattoo that is so real it could actually start talking.
this fall, i'm going to accesorize with a miniature adult. they're like, so cute!

didi, tea, and madge: a true story.
i don't live here anymore.
imaginary friend caught on tape.

Just a sampling. I could keep going. I guess that means I like my blog a lot. Thanks for reading - I have made so many sweet, sweet friends this year. A tribute to each and everyone of you is in due order.
See you in a week,
P.S. Happy Summer! As we used to sign our yearbooks in middle school: Have fun in the sun! Get laid in the shade!
(Please know I thought getting laid in the shade was a rad new way to say "napping under a tree". Seriously.)
P.P.S If you're in San Francisco or not, Happy Pride!


Tits McGee said...

I am so madly in love with you.

Have a great time in New England, and CONGRATULATIONS on your blog-o-versary!!! Keep it coming, dear Madge.

madge said...

Thank you dear sweet Tits McGee.

That song is in my head for like, ever. AHHHHHH.

And I love you so madly, too.

Meghan said...

yay for anniversaries! i don't honestly remember when i started mine.... lesse... ok, the 10th of November in 2002. holy crap!

have a good week, and i'll see you when you get back! err.. you know what i mean.



Spinning Girl said...

You rock!
I was up north too. I thought of you!

kimberlina said...

holy shizzle, i heart pop-its.

unless it's my brother throwing them at me, of course.