Monday, May 01, 2006

this 300th post goes to D. Sergei

300?! I shall mark this moment with a quick thought:

D. Sergei has the sweetest, quietest little purr. He sounds like a chirping cricket seven farms down the road. It makes me so happy to hear him chirp when he's snuggling with total cat delight.

This morning, he gently reminded me that I was oversleeping (by an hour and a half, shit) with a kiss on the cheek. I had to leave so quickly that we didn't have time to snuggle and I think I upset him. So, if it means anything to him, he gets the 300th post dedicated in his name. And an afternoon of lounging around, together.

(Also, Happy May Day.)


carolina anne said...

Having your 300th post as a tribute would make all the difference in the world to me :). I expect #329.

Tits McGee said...

Hooray for Madge! Hooray for D. Sergei!

FRITZ said...

Oh, D. Sergei. You can snuggle with me anytime you want. I don't OWN an alarm clock...

...wink, wink

madge said...

D. Sergei wants you, Fritz! Or Delilah...I sometimes have trouble dechipering the meows