Tuesday, May 30, 2006

scatterbrained madge writes a post

I was thinking, now that it's passed Memorial Day, I should change my blog background to white. That will require messing around with my template and changing a few other things, but I'm all for it once I find some spare time. And then, after Labor Day, I'll totally change it back to blue.

I haven't had coffee in three days. I work with coffee snobs, and they always make sure my cup is full. On the weekends, I just skip it because I get my caffeine from Coke. But now that it's Monday evening (technically Tuesday morning), I just want my morning coffee. AND I WANT IT NOW, GODAMNIT!


Really, my weekend began Thursday night. I had an evening of good company: I was with Kimberlina and the Girlfriend Sweatshoppers, we were drinking luscious sangria and thoughtfully discussing enemas.

So Steve and I attempted a Florida State Park adventure on Sunday, except we were chased away by hungry insects of all sorts. One of those insects bit the tip of my nose. Yes, it really did. Not only do I have the whole Rudolph cliche thing working for me, the bite is weeping puss. Yes, I said weeping puss. Anyway, before we realized we were being eaten alive, Steve was taking pictures with his new large-format camera. Wow, folks. If she knows anything, Kate Moss will be sexxing this one up next.

We escaped the park and sought shelter Sunday-drive style; we visited Dade City, FL, aka Tree City USA. It's so weird when you're driving in Florida and you come upon hills. So. Weird. (But weird in a good way.)


Movies rented this weekend: Match Point, Thumbsucker, and Winter Passing.

Broken sewing machine needles: 1.

Sad realization brought to me by Entertainment Weekly: The WB network is going away? What? Seriously? Why?

Best phonecall: Older sis called me after spotting Amazing Race contestants currently being filmed in Seattle.

Ice cream flavor of the three-day weekend: Neopolitan. I feel in my heart and mind that I'm misspelling that. You know what I mean.

Weekend theme song: Hey Now Now by The Cloud Room.

Insect bites: 24

Sweetest moment: D. Sergei waiting by the door for Steve and Cole to come back, even though they drove away home.


kimberlina said...

ooooo, that's so adorable and sweetly sad about d. sergei waiting at the door for his loves!!

you know, any monday evening you need, i'll fix up a coffee enema for you. i don't know how to do it, of course, really, but i'm sure we can manage.

the term "weeping puss" is kinda gross. and i hate hate HATE bug bites on my nose. i get them often. except all over my face. and usually near my period days. *sigh*

madge said...

aha! the coffee enema! how did i *almost* forget that?

you are SO funny about getting bug bites near your period days. i experience this too, although i'm fairly convinced the one on my nose is legit! let me emphasize fairly.


Spinning Girl said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiita minutewaitaminutewaitaminutewaitami

You can't say " thoughtfully discussing enemas" and then traipse off to talk about ice cream and bug bites.


Now, deliver.

What up with the enema chat.

madge said...

Apparently, there are a lot of organic enemas one can experience. Some involve coffee beans. That's all I'm sayin'.

kimberlina said...


kimberlina said...

ok, for real, i've never had one, nor do i think they would be delish.

Tits McGee said...

I seem to recall Janet Jackson saying something in an interview once about how she liokes to give herself coffee enemas because they "take out the sad cells."

madge said...

Damn, have you seen her lately? She is so good at getting in shape.


carolina anne said...

I gave up coffee when finals were over. Now that I'm full swing into a summer session I'm miserable. The older sister has been on my island for over 24 hours and I have yet to see her. Why did the needle break? And I like the white background.

madge said...

Because Steve was sewing!
Now, go find older sis!