Sunday, May 28, 2006

notepad and google

I love surfing the web and all that, but sometimes getting back to basics can be very satisfying. Have you ever visited Google's "more products" link? Good stuff. I'm really into the calendar option; browsing catalogs is a lot of fun, too.

And I just rediscovered the Windows' notepad - I keep it open all day at work so I can make lists and take notes; at the end of the day, I copy everything and send it to my e-mail so it's there when I get home.

Ahhh. I heart the simple things.


Spinning Girl said...

I heart the simple things, too.

You should send me your mailing address.

No reason.

Tits McGee said...

That is so funny, Madge. I, myself, have been having a torrid love affair with Notepad, of late.


Meghan said...

hehehe, i do a similar thing with Word. and not just on my computer, either, but on Kyle's computer. i think it kind of confuses him because i use weird shorthand.

as for Spinning Girl's package... my money is on porn/crack/knitted booties.


FRITZ said...

Tits and SG and Madge and a cup of coffee. And a smoke.

That's what makes me tick. In a good way.

Oh, Madge, how I adore thee.

madge said...

Aha SG! You shall expect an e-mail from me quite soon!

Yes Tits, Notepad is sexy.
I have no idea what SG is cooking up...

Meghan: I hope she's sending crack! Crack cocaine fries the brain.

Fritz: I tock knowing that I make you tick.

kimberlina said...


i am addicted to google calendar.

madge, you rock so hardcore.

i hope you had a superb memorial day weekend w/ the boy!!

*sangria/chianti/asti spumanti toast*

carolina anne said...

I hate going so long without seeing you. I hope it won't be this way when we grow up :)

madge said...

Cheers to you, Kimberlina! I'm also getting my calendar off the ground. I know what I'm doing next Saturday...haha! And I hope your weekend was great in Orlando...I wished I could have joined you!

Le Veronica,
Oh dear sweet you.
We'll live near each other one of these days! Let's get out of the sun and get back into the rain!