Friday, May 26, 2006

the marlboro man

This LA Times story, though a week old, made me awfully sad today. But just because I said that doesn't mean you're getting out of reading it.

Read it. (And weep.)


Meghan said...

but it requires a subscription... i'll comment again once i've figured out how to get around this small fly.


Meghan said...

ah... apparently registration is free. reading....

that's incredibly sad. the poor man is only 21! he has so much more time to live, and to be battling PTSD for so long... i can't imagine.

btw- thanks for sharing.


madge said...

:) I heart my sweet Meghan.

madge said...

Danke for registering, btw.

FRITZ said...

How many men must we see torn asunder?

The commoners die to the coal mines, the lumber yards, the steel mills, or the wars. The commoners rarely find their peace. Instead, they are blessed with PTSD and cancer.

And yet, the commoners go on and on, one day at a time. I should put down my book and pick up a hoe.

I should worship this soldier.