Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I'm young. A functioning bipedal. Healthy, even. Why don't I exercise more? I'll tell you why: my huge brain, people. It gets in the way all the time. Ok. Maybe It's not my brain; it's my mind. It's driving me crazy and it's driving me lazy. The only reason I don't exercise is because I get in the way. Tonight I went run/walking and I feel SO good. I love muscle-ache. But so often I tell myself that I can't go running or walking because I don't have time. I'll tell you right now, that's BS. That's my mind working against me. Stupid mind! This post is in protest of my own head and a reminder that I just have to turn it off before I go exercise, but I will turn it on again when I cross busy streets.


kimberlina said...

i'm totally hearing you, madge. i love stretching and feeling limber.
i used to be so flexible. i could bend my leg at the knee and hook my foot on my ribs.

i also liked to gross people out.

by the way, your brain is way hott.

madge said...
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Tits McGee said...

I love your huge brain, and that picture makes me want to smooch you.

Also, I have been doing situps like a madwoman lately, and have come to love the dull abdominal ache I wake up with every morning.

madge said...

*smoochy smooch*

Okay, I too have been doing some crunches. They bring the pain. But they seem to be working. What do I know?

FRITZ said...

mmmph, you are too cute!

I don't exercise because I hate it. But I should start again. I love losing weight.

Spring, Ph.D. said...

Ha! I used to tell myself that I didn't have time to work out, as I was sinking into the sofa and watching yet another tv drama and stuffing my face with some high sugar/high fat snack.

Now I have to work out -- low thyroid, even lower metabolism, tendency to high blood sugar and high blood pressure. I hate the thought of the impending work out right up to the moment I actually step on the elliptical (bad knees, too). Then I'm in some really cool zone that I don't come down from for a bit.

Anonymous said...

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