Sunday, April 02, 2006


So. I'm trying something new: all of my weekly interests, smooshed onto a scanner; I will make a list explaining why these things are smooshed onto a scanner. I might do this more than once a week. And yes, I will repeat things I've said before in recent posts, but hopefully it will only happen this once.
  • Top left: Sonoma Valley lotion. Purchased today! Sad news: the scent is being discontinued.
  • I'm reading this book: Capote kept me AWAKE last night. I had to make sure my front door was locked. Three TIMES. And then I checked my closets. D. Sergei thinks I'm lunatic. I say to him, "Be glad you can't read!" Just kidding. I would never say that.
  • I love Blythe Danner. And Entertainment Weekly.
  • To the bottom right: NO! Those aren't LIVESTRONG! bracelets! I finally broke down and bought a little piece of Luella last night at Target. For $2.48 a piece.
  • All weekend spent writing a paper equals little tiny Post-its and binder clips.
  • The penny! Well, it really has nothing to do with anything, except I hope it brings you luck tomorrow.
  • Portland postcard. It really is the City of Roses, coincidently my favorite flower.
  • I spy Mini Eggs! After planting the seed of hunger in Tits and Kimberlina (I think), I broke down and bought 4 little bags tonight. Oh. Yum. I love that sugar shell.
Okay. That was my trial run. And...informal survey time: do you hold hands with your significant other when you're out shopping on a Sunday afternoon? Why or why not?


The Q said...

Mr. Adventure and I hold hands pretty much anywhere we go. This is all fun and new for me. I have never had a hand holding boyfriend before.

Anonymous said...

We don't hold hands because we are both inclined towards wandering. It's fun to see each other from opposite ends of the aisle, each with a different thing in hand that you wanted to show the other.


Spinning Girl said...

Ooooh, I like the collage idea.

Spinning Girl said...

p.s. I don't have a S.O., but I have held hands while shopping. On & off -- not the whole time.

kimberlina said...

we hold hands on sundays because it is the lord's day.

ok, not really. :)

hmmm. sometimes we hold hands, sometimes i am a cape, and sometimes we have many things to point out to the other. so it depends on our mood and where we are and if we're holding a drink or pushing a cart. but i'm not adverse to holding hands; especially not on the lord's day.

and i love love love your scanner idea! i have no idea what luella is, but i'm highly intrigued. oh, and for the love of crunchy sugar shells! ::drool::

Tits McGee said...

Oh, man, Kimberlina. That slayed me.

So, shockingly, I have not yet consumed all of my Mini Eggs, but hold you responsible for their presence in my home, Madge. You Mini Egg harlot, you.

In response to your survey question, Hubby and I usually both hold the kid's hands at the same time while shopping, because otherwise she would run around the store wreaking havoc. Does that count?

madge said...

Corley: I've never had a hand-holding boyfriend, either.

Sam: Thanks for dropping by! I am like you, as is Steve: we wander.

SG: I appreciate your input.

Kim: Hahahahaha! I was only curious because, as I was sitting in the Hyde Park circle-of-shame, drinking joe, every couple I people-watched was holding hands. It was a romantic Sunday in South Tampa.

Titzez! It sure counts. And you're welcome. I'm happy to harlot for a worthy cause.

Allegro said...

I love how you make a collage using your scanner ! Quite interesting. You won't mind if I use the same technique for my blog in the future would you??

madge said...

The technique is completely up for grabs...enjoy yourself!