Wednesday, April 19, 2006

it landed on a scanner, III: homespun

Images discussed clockwise (if I can manage).
  • On Saturday of last weekend, I took my mom to the Portland Art Museum (or, because she paid for us she took me, but I drove, so I did the real 'tookin). We headed straight for the photography room. I bought this card in the museum shop. Not really so much for the message, and not so much for the card, but because it was typeset by hand and letterpressed, and I'm way into that lately. Wow.
  • Little tiny pins scavenged from a bookstore promoting Wordstock. I kind of wish I would be in Portland next weekend. Can I get a magic carpet, anyone? (I beg you to click on the image and see the buttons in their full size. I think I'm going to make them into magnets. I will give one in particular to someone in particular upon my graduation.
  • Windmill stamp. Love robot stamp. Division of love stamp. You see them, yes? Well, I like to rubberstamp. Ahem, I always channel my dorky inner Crocpot-cookin' shoulda' been from South Dakota (minus the politics) rubberstampin' Madge. I just do. But let me explain the stamps. The windmill reminds me of In Cold Blood. Love robot reminds me of Kimberlina! And the division of love reminds me of the division of labor, which reminds me of a dead white male that I spent a lot of time "studying" during my days as an aspiring sociologist. Ink that, homies! (I forgot about the fern motif. I said motif! Ha! Well, no special reason for that one).
  • I've chosen to include a crocheted (all I see is crotch) dishrag. My great aunt churns out dozens of them a week, I think. I always take some from the general stash when I go home because I wash my dishes with them and they are the BEST. So I began to be morbid and selfish (read: morbidly selfish) last week while in Portland, and thought I will go NUTS when she dies, because I will no longer have her dishrags. And then I thought, humph, since knitting came somewhat fast to me, crocheting should, too. WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. (See the crochet needle?). I just. I just. I just don't get it.
  • Last but not least (maybe last but most), I inherited my grandpa's old Canon camera. Wow. And my dad gave me (on loan, of course) a reallllly nice 'ol Nikon and a realllllly nice 'ol Nikon lense. Wow. Now, I should go take some pictures.


Tits McGee said...

Can I please have the "Nancy Drew is a Badass" button? Please?

Pretty please?

Also, robots are cool.

kimberlina said...

those buttons are so awesome!! i heart buttons. i need a button maker. fo' shizzle. *le sigh*

and you know me too well, madge, for your love robot is ridiculously adorable! i kiss it's little robot heart! <3 <3

man, i am out of it. can i be your vice president of procrastiNATION? i am so there. and i have a gun, so i can shoot lawyers, too!

good luck with the schoolwork!

FRITZ said...

I adore these sessions. I also want a pin...the one about skipping sex isn't bad. But not true enough...anyhoo...

Madge, I love you.

I actually did crochet as a seven year old, but can't anymore.

Meghan said...

yeah, i can't seem to figure out crocheting either... chicks used to make hats in classes with me during my high school days without even looking... HOW??!?!

i heart the wordstock buttons. they could be the niftiest thing i've seen recently. definitely up there with the wording on the Ladies' Changing Room here at the gym:



it just struck me as entertaining.
