Tuesday, April 18, 2006

album, short & fast

My quick trip to Portland is behind me, and I all have to share are a few photos I took here and there.
Looking down the sidewalk from my house.

Blue sky? Whudda hudda? Apparently so:

The neighborhood cat, Sugar, gets some tummy L-O-V-E:

And then he gives it (1/1000 head butts of love):

Tree that I look out to from my bedroom window (though pine trees are not uncommon in Portland, this view reminds me of Oregon's high desert):

Flowers in vases, part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Over. A plump little woman demystifying flight schedules in Denver:


FRITZ said...

Beautiful. I've always dreamed of living on a street like yours. And those flowers! And the airport!

How is Madgezilla? How is your boyfriend??

madge said...

Madgezilla is fine - a little tired, a little distressed with school, maybe crabby, and her armpits stink (TMI, perhaps).

The boyfriend is doing well. I miss him a lot. I can't take it anymore! I shall be moving in with him come June. We're excited about this. WAY excited.

kimberlina said...

june? JUNE! but that's so soon! tampa will miss you, madge. if you'd like, please come to the show on thursday. or friday at new world where they have fantabulous framboise on tap!

btw - my class has been signed up for and is completely online. i am very excited. i am not yet at the distressed stage. get back to me on that in a month, perhaps.

kimberlina said...

and, to echo fritz - your street looks absolutely amazing. i hardly know those to be sidewalks! so large and spacious.

mmm... and tulips. so yummy i could eat them.

Tits McGee said...

You're so pretty, Madge.

Welcome back. We missed you and your stinky armpits.

Meghan said...

excellent... although the lady was a bit terrifying.... might be because if her hair was white, she'd look like my mom.

as for the fish/frogs, i basically decided i wanted some, and now 10 years later finally got them. i love frogs!!

and chocolate. mmmmm


madge said...

Kimberlina: again, it will be a toss up toward the end of this week with my course work. I would love to join the gang on Thursday. I am going to try and get everything finished. I still have one more website to build by next Wednesday. Oops. (FYI: I rule in the land of ProcrastiNATION.)

But can I get some framboise like, right now?

Tits! You're pretty, too. I will get to reading your diary soon...I have probably missed so much. But you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have...

You know.

Meghan: I love that you love freshwater aquariums. I would love to someday grow a garden of freshwater aquarium plants, with maybe a fish or two swimming along. I don't think I have the patience for saltwater, but my sweetie sure has a handle on them. :)

madge said...

Kimberlina: P.S. Library school! Here you come! Wow! I'm really happy for you...

Spinning Girl said...

What a lovely montage. What a commentary on how this are at this moment. You rock. I heart you.

carolina anne said...

Wow. I miss home and I want Steve to give me photo lessons, too. I stole some of these. I love you.