Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Engagement of Mine, Part I: Buy a Card

I talked to a friend from high school/college last night for the first time in probably three years -- she got engaged, called to share her news and we chatted for a while about us and other mutual friends. In a few months, she will be down in the Keys and we're going to try and meet, perhaps in Miami? Perhaps the Keys if my car makes it?

Several of my friends are married - I think, most of them are at least from high school/college - and when the whole engagement draws to a close, and the wedding is over, I always think, "I could have done so much more!" By that, I mean I could have given a better gift, sent a prettier card, been more excited in general...I am not unexcited, but I just don't do this particular occasion right. It's an internal "meh" feeling and I'm sick of it.

But I have chosen this particular friend-o-mine's engagement and wedding to set the bar well and high. I'm starting today, even, and I'm going to send her a "Congratulations on Your Engagement!" card. She isn't very foo-foo, and I'm not either (even though I've added a dash of pink to my blog template, teehee), so this will be fun. This will be right!

Goodbye, mehs!

Edit, 12:50 p.m.: Did I say buy a card? I meant make a card.


Tits McGee said...

I like your dash of pink!

Oh, my. That sounds bad, doesn't it?

FRITZ said...

I had something to say, but Tits just blew me out of the water.