Saturday, February 04, 2006

tales of an almost librarian

Last night, I was looking for this when I came across


It made me think of this recent story,

and then, for the rest of the evening,

I was only one color of the rainbow:



kimberlina said...

i heard an interview with him on npr. so sad, isn't it? practically all of one's life - gone - behind bars. it makes me rather blue, too.

The Q said...

With my car radio stolen I don't get much NPR these days. The article didn't portray him as angry. It seems more like he's sorry that it will be re-lived. I find that incredible. Were the other stories the same way, or just this reading?

Anonymous said...

Hi Farga. You know what makes me blue? Pres. Vagina's proposed budget for the coming year. Did you ever finish that nasty assignment? I haven't heard from you since you last reported from the trenches.

Calzone said...

I just started a non profit Maine Project for Effective Corrections with an attorney friend of mine.

I'm not really a stuffed dragon you know

Meghan said...

that's a downer. you know what else is? reading Columbine reports all day, and watching the cafeteria surveillance tape repeatedly. occasionally, i wonder if i really should be in this line of work.
