Tuesday, February 14, 2006

KMS: it ain't just hair product.

Aight. (I'm allowed to say that; you'll see in a moment).

It is well into Valentine's Day, my sweet BF is practically in another time zone, and I think I am getting a cold (my glands are getting junky) -- so this wasn't the world's greatest HAPPYVD in Madgeland -- but it's okay -- true love is very comforting and that means, in so many words, that these kvetchings don't matter.

That's why I'm going to tell you about KMS, or, where I went to middle school.

Think brick building; three stories. Kind of inner-city, yes? It was across the street from an adult motel, and that street was busy busy. On the inside - there were lots of children. Children from Eastern Europe, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos. Children that didn't give a shit about school and children that did; children that were popular and children that were not - you know, it was middle school. Children were mean. Aaron D. said to me, "Man. Your two front teeth are so far apart I could drive a Mercedes between them;" Daniel C. said, "Here is your self-portrait, Madge." Oh, there I was, with brick walls for breasts. Flat. I only hoped to have boobs like Kelsey S. someday: "my boobs are like the size of oranges, cut in half." Despite this - I really didn't have it so bad. Once, when I was in the 8th grade, a girl in the sixth grade was abducted by a stranger and taken across the street to the adult motel and was raped and sodomized until she was able to escape out the bathroom window.

Yuck - this is Valentine's Day! But KMS is on my mind. This was where I spent three formative years - being mean to a kid named Robert G. Only, this wasn't how he remembered it. I didn't go to the same high school as most of my fellow KMS classmates; they went right and I went left. So I don't know what happened to most of these kids - but I do know what happened to Robert G. because he e-mailed me when I was at college years later. How he found me, I'll never know. He said, "I think that I loved you in middle school, that I can truly say I was in love with you. You were so nice to me." It did wonders for my guilty, bratty conscience --but you can understand it was a little creepy, too. He's like a meteorologist now or something.

My sixth and eighth grade teacher, Mrs. T., was a spit-and-clean-the-overhead-type. Eww! But she was a grandma, and I knew this and loved her for it; she was the only teacher who came to me when my grandma died and offered comfort. Most of the other kids hated her - but I could understand they were naughty brats, and that she was grandmotherly and deserved more of me. Also, she genuinely liked my alliteration assignment.

I had a teacher all three years named Mrs. J. She had hair down past the backs of her knees. Once Tony C. asked her if she listened to a band called Crazy Horse and she laughed real hard. She also smoked, and when I was in middle school, teachers smoked right in their breakroom, and she smelled just like the breakroom smelled when I walked by it as the doors opened. She taught me a lot about tolerance and like a weirdo, I sought to please her by buying a pair of clogs my eighth grade year. In the sixth grade, it meant so much that she knew I was against Desert Storm. But we all were - we even staged a protest and walked out of school to downtown Portland. "Hell no! We won't go! We won't go for Texaco!" But just as I was about to leave the school - I was teetering on the steps - and go with the others downtown, the principal stopped me and said I wasn't making a good choice. I was free to demonstrate against the war, yes and fine, but I shouldn't leave the school. So I stayed. And a lot of my friends got busted by their parents.

Tina D. was having sex in the sixth grade, but I didn't know a lot about that. She had a boyfriend named Jericho J. and I had a hot crush on him. Tina D. was a New Jersey girl at heart. Jericho J. at least knew my name.

Happy belated VD.


Meghan said...

middle school.

6th grade: on the first day, i wore a purple tank top and a really cool pair of teal cordeuroy pants. friends were few and far between that year. i blame the pants. i tried smoking for the first time, but didn't really get into it for another year or so.

7th grade: i had a crush on a guy named Thomas. i called him Edgar (some stupid class assignment). eventually, he grew away from liking books and towards hanging out with Tyler M. and Kris N. once winter break had passed, he was officially in with them. i was harrassed every day in Science until i cried.

8th grade: made three friends. we were tight. they also didn't like Tyler M. and Kris N. i went to Florida that year with a science class, and had a great time. at 8th grade grad, i wore black stretch slacks and a silver tank top, which was much more positively received than my teal pants.

and now? Tyler M. has a kid. Kris N. is stuck working for his dad's business. Thomas's brother committed suicide by overdosing on some cat painkiller (he worked at a vet's office).

and i? i am here, happily digesting a heart-shaped cheese pizza that a boy bought for me, wearing paint-splattered jeans and birkenstocks with socks. oh, and i quit smoking about a year ago. i win!

happy valentine's day to you too!


ps. sorry this was such a downer. i tried to make up for its downer-ness by telling the ending. but it didn't help.

pps. and this has to be THE longest comment in the history of Blogger.

kimberlina said...

i want to comment more, but my new job keeps me way too busy. argh! but at least the day is flying by. sorta.

i am so sorry to hear your glands are funky! i prescribe hot tea for glandular warmth & overall soothing-ness and then lots of quilts in the late evening filled with cuddles from d. sergei.

madge said...

Thank you for the super long comment; I loved reading every single bit of it - even your dark side as a 7th grade smoker. Many-o-the middle schoolers I used to hang with are, I can only imagine, married w/children or just w/children. This is fine - but I just don't see myself in their ranks...

Thank you for the prescription: I am on tea. Lemon tea! D. Sergei will not cuddle with me - I guess he's afraid of getting my germs. Glad your day went fast; mine did too...must be that Humpness in HumpDay...

carolina anne said...

Wow. You know, KMS will never leave us. I'm just grateful that we ended up at CHS- or else those years would have lasted for another four.

Spinning Girl said...

Oh, this was sheer delight to read.

The most anticlimactic line ever: "He's like a meteorologist now or something." Ha ha haaaaaa!

So great.

Tits McGee said...

Oh, Madge! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, Sweetie.

Reading about Tina D. reminded me about the slutty girl in my 7th grade homeroom who let me read her diary one morning. The words "and then he ate me out, and of course it felt good" were burned into my memory forever.

Meghan said...

"and then he ate me out, and of course it felt good"... wow... i... just wow. i don't think i even knew about oral sex in 7th grade.


kimberlina said...

i know, right? i was worrying about my super flat brick wall chest, too.
kissing? oral sex? let's move past my goosebump breasts, first.

madge said...

SG: thank you!

Tits: Like Meghan + Kimberlina write, I had no idea what oral sex was in my middle school days!

Meghan + Kimberlina: I know...shoot!

Tits McGee said...

For the record, in 7th grade I was still a year away from my first kiss. And, while I knew what oral sex was (thanks to my mother having given me a copy of Changing Bodies, Changing Lives), I couldn't imagine actually participating in it. So reading the slutty girl's casual reference to it in her diary made her at once exotic and worldly, and filled me with curiousity.

She was in my science class the next year, and I chose her as my lab partner. We sat in the back of the classroom and she shared her Pringles and boy problems while I did most of the work and hoped some of her magical slutty girl mojo would rub off on me.

madge said...

Yes! Slutty mojo & Pringles...thanks for oral-la-la, part II.