Sunday, February 12, 2006

cold snap!

My head has been crying for caffeine all day - and I didn't give in.

Pound. Pound. Pound!

Also, it's cold...!

I can't be too sure that I heard gunshots last night - both Duff + my boyfriend have assured me it was a car backfiring...

Or, it was Dick Cheney...WTF?!

Olympic Update [Madges loves the Winter Olympics]: I was a total baby when I heard Michelle Kwan had dropped out on account of her groin...I actually cried a little. Bode Miller's (a.k.a the damn gum chewer) Nike ad campaign is dumb + hilarious and I have a secret, celebrity crush on him ("How do you feel about this idea of being a sex symbol?" "If it gets me more sex, then great.").


kimberlina said...

wow, you are so strong! my head was crying for caffeine this morning and i gave in after nary a thought. i "duly" gave in to my deepest caffeinated desires.


do cars backfire more than once?

{STAR} said...

Hola!!! Que pasa?

Thought I would say a Hello and pass on my blogger spot, so we can be in communication not only through GFSS. Plus I have only Miss Kim as my blog friend and so sometimes it feels as though I am talking directly to her.

Your trip to Miami looks like it was so much fun. I really want to take a train somewhere!

My car usually backfires once. I am thinking that is the norm.

OOO yes, I am currently drinking lots of einstein bros coffee.......

Hasta Luego!

Meghan said...

i remember the days when my head cried out for caffeine... are you quitting for sure, or just going a day without? because if you're quitting, don't go cold turkey like i did- caffeine headache for a week!! blew like a hoover

as for our VP... well, i'd say that little story is a fairly good depiction of this administration in general.

but what do i know, i'm not even old enough to drink. legally.


madge said...

Kimberlina: "duly" noted. (!)

Viva la Star! Welcome to my blog! I will check out yours...unless of course you'll unleash your mad hacking skills on me!

Meghan...I guess I was quitting for the day -- I didn't have any means of caffeine, so I went without...I love "blew like a hoover" - will make note of that!