Thursday, January 05, 2006

the West Coast

All in a day on the Oregon Coast.
Kind of.

Good night!


Meghan said...

pretty! makes me miss the coast even more... then i remember how delicious it is to drive over there right now... and miss it just a little less.

i laugh just a little to myself, because as i was looking at your blog, you commented on mine, so i hit the "Refresh" button in your blog's window, and a new entry popped up! yay!


mhxjw- "max jew". a not-so-friendly reminder that i need to call my friend Leah.

Cheryl said...

Someone's been having fun with her new camera. I love the shot of the bench!

duff said...

wow. these are some really great shots, madge.

kimberlina said...

my favorites are #2 and #3!

crallspace said...

Are these Oregon pics?