Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Post Topics I've Been Putting Off

  • Google as a Verb.
  • The Burden of Being an Over-Considerate American.
  • Not a post, a whole new blog: running journal.
  • Random snippets from my library colleagues.
  • My date with Heath, early Spring 2000.
  • Things I love about Eugene, OR.
  • Not a post, a whole new blog: the Appalachian Trail from start to finish with my boyfriend: a virtual map.
  • Not a post: I'm currently addicted to Klondike Bars.
  • Links (Poetry 180).
  • Enlightening conversation with student about health food, SUVs, Florida, and zip codes.
  • Not a post: Canada Dry Refreshingly Raspberry Seltzer Water is my kick.
  • Reed College was my neighbor.
  • My cat could be Russian. I have a cat!
  • Passing letters in high school.
  • AMTRAK: it goes from Tampa to West Palm Beach in 3.5 hours for a mere $40. WTF? Why I have not done this before?
  • Gasparilla is coming! (Better known as the day girls will squat and pee in my alleyway for twelve straight hours.)

Yes - there are a thousand and one things of which I could blog. But! It just so happens that the stars have collided: I'm starting three grad classes again (3.Semesters.Remain), two of which will require me to exhaust every last ounce of patience I have (I will be doing some grant writing again, which I haven't done since my undergrad, so I'm very excited --or so I say now!). I'm also venturing to an undisclosed location this weekend (that's for you, Steve) before I even begin getting serious about the semester. Crazy-busy begins next Tuesday. My blog! Wait! What do I do!? I know. I will post a picture I took of my airplane spirits:


Tits McGee said...

Mmm...airplane spirits.

Meghan said...

yes! Eugene posts! shweet...


Spinning Girl said...

Even your posts about would-be posts are fetching. You are the best!

Monkey said...

This is wonderful.

We took Amtrak several times from Boston to West Palm Beach. I can tell you that it wasn't fun. But the 2 hours from Portland to Boston is great. Fabulous in fact! Cheap and you can read on the train... or sleeeeeeeeeep.