Tuesday, January 24, 2006

the picture book

Well, well, well. It's Tuesday night y'all. I'm eating dry Cheerios out of a plastic container JUST like you did when you were four. What can I say? I'm young for my age. I'm also wishing I had some delicious milky-milk to go with these heart-happy mofos, but alas, my carton-o-1%-goodness has gone up and dry.

I mentioned yesterday, mid-panic, that I had some color photos developed over the weekend. I am happiest with the following few, but wanted to post more; unfortunately, my scanner is being bitchy.

Photo #1: Crazy D. Sergei! I caught him mid-yawn, even though that wasn't my intent. Maybe he wasn't yawning, but really gawking at the ghost? "You did what with the candlestick in the lounge to Col. Mustard?"
In the middle (er, Southwest) of Florida, it is not unlikely to find some RED. I'm kidding. No, I'm not; this is a red state, afterall. And that's why I snapped these hot puppies - and because D. Sergei is quite loyal to the former Soviet Union.
Take me down to Ybor City where the grass is green and the windows are pretty! Tampa - home to pirates, cigars, and so many Bungalow-style homes you'd think you'd died and gone to architecture heaven - is home and it is lovely.

Alright y'all - I'm heading to sweet dreams and sweet things. And remember: if it ain't broke, don't take it to Academic Computing.


Meghan said...

Pirates, Commies, and a yawning cat? this was a monumental post, darling. truly monumental.


Monkey said...

You really should whore that photo of D. Sergei out to one of those "Cute" sites. He's freaking adorable! And the idea of his seeing a ghost is priceless.

I must send Calzone over here for the Hammer and Scickadkfdllk scikle. (I'm a monkey. I can't sepll)

Calzone loves that.

Tits McGee said...

I suggest kittenwar.com.

D. Sergei would kick the other cats' butts.

Spring, Ph.D. said...

Hey, I recognize that photo. I took a little foot tour of Ybor City a couple of years ago, had an awesome dinner at the Columbia. The buildings are beautiful, the shops great.

I've also been to Astoria (Oregon Post), and down the coast as far as the sea lion caves. That coast is an incredible drive.

kimberlina said...

d. sergei looks like he's singing an operetta!



Anonymous said...

Haha! I just lie on the floor and eat them out of the box... Until I get caught ;)

madge said...

Meghan: I bow humbled before thee.

Monkey: D. Sergei likes monkeys and commies and calzones!

Tits: I will check out kittenwar. Roooar!

Spring: I'm glad to know you walked the great streets of Ybor - it really is all of the things you said. Also, Highway 101 holds a special place in my heart, indeed.
Thank you dearly for visiting my blog.

Kimberlina: I love the mouse opera! You had me laughing! (That's probably exactly what he was thinking).

Deepblue: Cheerios are addicting! You go straight from the box? That is an interesting technique; I can't to it without spilling a dozen Cheerios on the floor in between handfuls. I need practice!

Calzone said...

I love cute sites

carolina anne said...

Love the pics! Have a good weekend and talk to you soon!

The Q said...

My pets are not so photogenic. D. Sergei looks smashing. Wonderfully done.