Monday, December 05, 2005

Why doesn't Blogger...

just admit its secret domain name is

It's Me So Cute Monday and I have only wasted time cursing Blogger extensively; what that really means is I haven't prepared my MSCM post like I I will have to postpone tonight's future post until next Monday (I don't know what I just wrote). I still have to prepare my Christmas Wish List, as per the Fritz tag. I'm behind like a butt.

Now that I'm almost done with this semester (2/3 courses have officially ended - the other goes through next week. Damn cataloging! You blasted MARC records take this! POW. And this: WIZ! And this: BANG!), I will have the chance to catch up with my posts here on the DuMoMo (oh for the contraction trend: but everybody else is doing it! - extra "mo" added for nothing but pure pleasure).

In other personal news: I purchased a faux Christmas tree over the weekend. It's about 3' tall; it came adorned with red + green lights, and cost $9.99.

I kitsch-o-rama, therefore I am.

I promise a photo by tomorrow night, or tomorrow-tomorrow night.


FRITZ said...

No, I think it's also, as well. WTF?? I tried logging on last night to NO AVAIL.

It's a conspiracy. Blogger is administered by the White House, I swear.

kimberlina said...

yea, blogger was definitely suck-o-crap last night. i was able to post, but not view anything. weird-o-rama.

i like this "-o-" business rather muchly.

and i, too, am behind with the fritz tagging post. must catch up! huzzah for beating up our classes!

Meghan said...

"behind like a butt." nice.

sorry i haven't been around more, but my finals are kicking my ass. two more, and a portfolio to make up, then i'll be back, i promise!


isodo- pretty much my thought process this afternoon: "i so dooooh"

Calzone said...

Every day is me so cute day for you baby.

My books are overdue. Be gentle

madge said...

We were all rejected?! Good to know.

Meghan, don't apologize for being studious!

Calzone, don't even go there. There will be no more overdue books! (At least no more talk of them. It makes Cole Train a little too excited.)