Thursday, December 15, 2005

terry cloth is the secret to life

With one random gift certificate left over from my birthday, I bought a bathrobe. One of those white, fluffy, terry-cloth, spa-like robes that suggest I know a thing or two about lux hotels. I don't. But, I do know that this is my first bathrobe. Ever. A long, long time ago, Martha Stewart said (even though we hang in different circles, I'm pretty sure I remember this correctly) she had never owned a bathrobe; she gets up in the morning, immediately gets to the shower and then gets dressed. I guess when I heard that I thought we had a lot in common, because that too was my morning ritual. Martha, Madge?! Same difference. I like rubberstamp and everything. But this is where the story ends (just like the Sundays!): now I own a bathrobe, and my life has completely changed.

My robe practically jumps out of the closet when I come home from work and says to me, "Jump in. What're you waiting for?" (just like Frou Frou!). Me, waiting? No. The robe has been on since about 5:00 p.m. The robe makes me want to have tea; the robe makes me want to take baths; the robe makes me want to get a pedicure; the robe makes me want to drink champagne and read all afternoon; the robe wants me to stay warm. Basically, the robe wants me to slow things down a bit - or a lot, depending on how you look at it. I love this robe! I love taking my time and relaxing; I really haven't had much of a chance to do this since late August - so I'm exploiting the robe as best I can.

I have moved my computer desk into what I call my ballroom: a gigantic, empty room that could be far superior to any other room in my apartment if I actually had furniture, but it doesn't, so I'm still calling it the ballroom. By making this move, I've taken my computer desk out of my bedroom and that is also helping me relax, post Fall semester. Sometime during late October, I thought if I ever had to open Microsoft Word again and write another paper, I would combust into a pile of Madge ash. It just so happens that this never happened, even though I had to open Word about 342 times since October. What I'm trying to say is, even though I don't like the New Age ambiguity of the word "balance", I'm certainly lacking balance between work, school, and play. The robe has helped me immensely, as has the desk move. Now I go into my bedroom to sleep and read (by the by, Prep is almost too annoying to read any further, but I'm going to give it my best and continue onward).

And I really like it that way.


Monkey said...

"Prep" was a very disappointing book and it doesn't get any better. At all. Sorry.

If you want to read a really good book about the same subject Tobias Wolf's "Old School" was wonderful. So very good.

I love my bathrobe. It is a warm cozy place I go when I need to be cocooned.

kimberlina said...

hm, haven't read prep. what am i reading now... oh yes, rich dad poor dad. my mom is making me read it. bribing me, in fact. ;)

i have a robe as well. some weird cotton thing that's supposedly a small, but truly feels like an extra extra large. maybe my problem is just that - i need a robe that fits! ::puts it on her list::