Monday, December 12, 2005

Me So Cute Monday II

Let it Snow, let it snow, let snow...

Though these two photos were scanned together to save time, they are still incredibly difficult to see (click on them to view larger)! However, I'm the one wearing the pink jacket with red pants and lighter pink boots (when I was a kid, everyday was a variation of Valentine's Day). You might think it snows in Oregon a lot and it does, but it rarely snows in Portland. That's why we look like such doofuses: we were very inexperienced with snow gear. Thank goodness our driveway had at least something of a slope - because my uncle refurbished an old sled he found at one of my grandpa's rental houses and gave it to my sisters and me one Christmas. My older sister is to the extreme left: the tall, lanky babe. The two girls in the middle are kind of related, but not blood-related. I make that distinction because they still eat their boogers, however many+ years later. Eww.


Calzone said... are killing me with cuteness.

Meghan said...

haha, yay for Oregonian Snow Deprivation Syndrome. it's clear that as a child, you suffered from it (no worries, so did i). your non-related relations, however, appear to be in dire need of a diagnosis of Advanced Foulness. how old are these people?!

and as for your previous post... patchouli is an aquired taste (like coffee- something i've never managed to enjoy). and the real Oregonian shops around, decides what they'd buy if the government weren't fucking them up the ass, then picks up whatever's cheapest that isn't at Wal-Mart.

and with that, i am going to go curl up in a blanket and sleep until i have to go back to work in 12 hours. cheers!


fxqpaa- "fax, copy, ahhh". the final moments before leaving for work, and the joy of sitting down in the driver seat of one's trusty ride home.

Cheryl said...

Look how cute you are! In Klamath Falls, where I grew up, there was plenty of snow. Yet I'm still afraid to drive in it.

carolina anne said...

I remember only a few days of snow, but I recall millions of ice storms and power outages and cranky dads...

madge said...

Calzone - you say I'm killing you with cuteness and I go to your blog and it says something like RIP?!

Meghan - the non-related relations are, I think, older than you. I'm not sure if I'll ever acquire the patchouli taste, but at least I did manage to get the coffee gene. Mmmm, coffee, coffee, coffee is my friend. You're right: Oregonians bitch a lot about the "government." Big gov. is my friend, Wal-Mart is not.

Cheryl - so all the snow went down to K. Falls, yes?

Annie - ice storms and cranky dads! You're right; that happened far more than snow.