Friday, December 16, 2005

the american express meme

My name is Madge.

childhood ambition: writer, lawyer, designer

fondest memory: solving the mystery, with my older sister, that was the pregnancy of our younger sister

soundtrack: Breeders' "Last Splash"

retreat: Portland, OR

wildest dream: hike the AT from start to finish; have a family of my own.

proudest moment: placing in a small 5k

biggest challenge: distances

alarm clock: my cell phone

perfect day: a hike with my boyfriend + dog, capped off with campfire + good reading

first job: babysitter for strange family down the block; $2/hour

indulgence: magazines, dishes, and candles

last purchase: groceries

favorite movie: this month: Love Story

inspiration: Miranda July

My life is in a series of places - I love them all.

My card has always been MasterCard, but it's usually my VISA checkcard. (Sorry AmEx).


Meghan said...

My name is Meghan.

childhood ambition: doctor, lawyer, stunt driver

fondest memory: filling "Hersheys" chocolate milk boxes up with sand and trying to get my sister to drink them.

soundtrack: Michael Franti & Spearhead's "Everyone Deserves Music"

retreat: my dorm room. or wherever Kyle is.

wildest dream: to work for the most legally corrupt organisation (aka, the US government), and have job security.

proudest moment: finishing my first term of university

biggest challenge: memory

alarm clock: whatever it takes.

perfect day: waking up next to a sleeping Kyle, kicking him awake, then staying in bed all day talking and watching movies. eating only pizza.

first job: stock girl in one of Dad's stores. i think the minumum wage then was $5.50/hr

indulgence: peanut butter, and naps

last purchase: a Whatzit (from Euphoria- peanut butter, caramel, pretzels, and chocolate)

favorite movie: right now: Fool in the Flying Ship.

inspiration: my manager, Laura. that lady is so nice, and fierce when she needs to be

My life is crazy at times, but it makes things interesting.

I don't use credit cards, because i don't trust plastic, but i certainly enjoy my driver's license.


frgbt- frogbit. describes that exact moment when you first feel yourself coming down with a cold. ooh, i like this one.

Spinning Girl said...

ooh, I like this. I might SWIPE it. get it? Swipe? heh heh

kimberlina said...

your perfect day sounds perfectly perfect. *sigh* the weather was lovely yesterday... if only it would stay! i think it's raining at present. alas.

Cheryl said...

I'd have the same perfect day. With my own boyfriend of course... I'd have to get me one of those.

madge said...

Meghan, I forgot to incorporate pizza into my perfect day. I'm craving pizza so badly, in fact, that I will probably have some for dinner.

SG, I love the pun, also, your AmEx meme.

Kimberlina, why is it raining today? I'm on vacation and I wanted a cool, clear, sunny day. Wah!

Cheryl, I say do all of this with your Sweetie Pie...

FICS23 said...

Light Bill: $100

Internet Connection: $50

Reading Madge's Duck motif blog: Priceless

Somethings in life are priceless, for everything else, there is AmEx.(in the spirit of changing ads)

FRITZ said...

I GOT ENGAGED. Read my blog for details. I'm telling everyone.

Wonderful Meme. I know you better, now!

madge said...

Drop everything. Head over to Reality Computer people!

Calzone said...

I loved last splash. Marry me?

Monkey said...

What a great meme idea. I do admit a guilty pleasure of reading these when I see them in magazines. Oh yes, I do.

Yours is more interesting though. Our alarm clock is also a cell phone, when it's not a 6 year old child.

My childhood ambition was to stay alive past my fourth birthday. I've done it! I'm officially 5 now.