Sunday, November 13, 2005

photography 101

The boyfriend is back on his feet.
Henceforth, he shall be known as Professor Boyfriend.
In that manner:
yesterday, we loaded up a pack full of cameras and set out for the woods.
I learned about aperature, shutter speed, manual focus, and depth of field.

at left: My first picture! Woot!

(Nikon FA. Lens 28-80/3.5)


Meghan said...

well done! photography rocks. a few years ago i made a box camera out of cardboard and electrician's tape... i loved that thing so much, when it finally fell apart i was sad.

i'm so happy to be back home... and by that i mean SOU... yay! Brits out! (i'm trying to phase out "cheers")


prlwgb- an ancient tombstone abbreviation. its meaning has been lost in the centuries, but the general gist was "Fuck this Shit, I'm Gone!"

madge said...

aww, thanks meghan.

now, let's discuss: home = SOU!? i wish that came as easy for me.

glad you're back home & i have been enjoying your Brits out! signings off.

FRITZ said...

Good stuff! I took a beginner's film class for this stuff. It taught me the basics of the film camera, and made life easier all around. It still is a lot tougher than the old digital, but the quality is so much different. Plus, when that awesome pic comes out, you know YOU did it.

Let's go photo shooting together. My boyfriend (your boyfriend's twin) is also an EXCELLENT photographer. We could make it a cool trip.

Calzone said...

Nicely done dude.

kimberlina said...

beautiful picture, madge!

more, more! we demand more!