Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dear Diary,

Last weekend was Thanksgiving. I had four and a half days off from work and a boyfriend to spend my time with. Nothing could have been better, diary. Long before the weekend arrived, my boyfriend and I talked about geocaching. We inherited a handheld satellite compass thingy from the boyfriend's dad over the summer and it was then that we began scheming on how to become geocaching-lovers. Oh diary! On Friday of last week, we decided to venture to our first geocache site (this was to be equal parts photography class and geocache adventure): a nature preserve with a lake, a swamp, trees, alligators (that we didn't see), and a knobby hiking trail. We deduced, with the help of our handheld satellite compass thingy, that at the end of the trail we would find our first cache. However, we didn't know where the treasure was going to be hidden-in-plain-sight, so we put our cameras on the floor of the trail and split up. Yours truly was jonesing to be the one to find the cache first. My motto is "I find things." We searched for maybe ten minutes. My boyfriend said "Madge" in a certain quiet but not thunder-stealing way that let me know he found the cache. The cache was a film canister strapped to a branch, tucked inside the peeling bark of a tree and inside, on sweet little notebook paper, were the names of cache teams and the time/date of their find. The paper was damp between my fingers when I realized that we had no pens or pencils to sign the log. Oops, diary! I have come to accept the missing writing utensil - afterall, we said before we began our trek that this was our experimental cache. I do have some photos from the photography class portion of our adventure that my boyfriend developed last night to share with you, diary. I took them with what is now my Nikon FA. Okay, it's on loan. But I can dream, can't I?


P.S. If you want, diary, you can click on the pictures to make them bigger...


Spinning Girl said...

Wow, geocaching sounds pretty cool! And gorgeous b&w photos.

Meghan said...

goodness you take nice photos. kudos. and if your boyfriend took them... well, kudos to you for having such a good photographer for a bedmate. Cheers!


romhwc- for a bit of a change, here's Kyle's interpretation:

-"ROMhwc": a bird that sweeps down and snags computer components
-"rom(e)hwc": the bird of prey that nearly defeated Achilles

John said...

Woot! I'd never heard of this before.

I think I want to try.

kimberlina said...

next time, you'll definitely find the geocache first, i just know it! and your photos are beautiful - do you use filters? i haven't done too much with black and white - at least, nothing quite so lovely contrasty as yours!

madge said...

Spinning Girl...I think that a science class would love to do something like this...

Meghan...I took the photos! But thank you for suggesting my boyfriend maybe did, because I got to tease him. In reality, I'm flattered, because he's an amazing photographer in his own right...

Kimberlina...I had to ask my boyfriend if I use a filter, and he told me to tell you that no, we don't use filters. My boyfriend is a very hands-on person and so naturally, he does all of the developing and processing of the film at his house (in his makeshift bathroom/darkroom). He tells me this is why the photos may seem filtered, and I hope that makes some kind of sense.

Also, if I don't find the next cache first, I'll go insane. Thanks for sharing your "Madge will find it" vibe. Rock on!

madge said...

When I said my boyfriend was an amazing photographer in his own right, I meant that he is FAR more talented than me.

There. Ya happy?

kimberlina said...

very cool that he does his own printing. i've only processed the negatives in my closet and bathroom. ;)

one day i'll have a little bathroom darkroom. when i have actual counters. and a pottery wheel. and a kiln. and an enlarger. and a printing press. and a stable easel.

one day.

FRITZ said...

Beautiful photos.

So, Geocacheing is a treasure hunt?
That a Girl Scout hunt. With gadgetry. I'm game.