Friday, November 18, 2005

and all was quiet once again

I just have to share:

There are two young sisters outside my window playing "hurricane".* I never played hurricane at their age because I lived in a place where playing "devastating volcanic eruption" or "possible 7.0 earthquake" or "avalanche!" was more like it.

Some quotes from these girls (I type as they speak):

"HELP SIS! I'm heading into the eye!"

"Sis! Use your power and your mind! You can save us!"

"Sis! Think harder!"





"My arms! I have to turn around!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I can't!"



(They are being asked to stop screaming by their grandparents. I love living in close proximity to families. It is so real.)

*My first punctuation mark outside the quotation marks. Ever. It is hard to look at, knowing I did it. But I must continue on, if this is correct.

[.] : But I look homeless!

[Madge] : Sorry, . You're just going to have to deal.

Alright, no more posts for a while. TONS-O-HOMEWORK to do. Look, I just yelled! I must be serious.


kimberlina said...

i know, isn't it weird. it makes my organs feel squishy in a bad way.

loved the dialogue. very real. you know, 'cause it was.

ok, something's obviously wrong because i got a lot of sleep last night and my brain is still not functioning properly...

and no more posts madge! do your work! i, for one, am going to clean the "pig sty".

(*urp* *squish*)

Cheryl said...

In American style, periods and commas always go inside of quotation marks unless it's part of computer code. Sometimes the British do it different. So, unless you want to be like our friends across the sea, that period really doesn't have to be so lonely. ;-) Reall, I swear--do a Google on "quotation marks" and "puncuation."

Signed, A future teacher and former U. of O. English Major who can't leave well enough alone. Please don't hate me.

Spinning Girl said...

Ooh, hurricane. Is that anything like "doctor?" And I believe the " goes outside the punctuation, if I'm not mistaken.

Meghan said...

those kids make me laugh! yay for crazy weans.

and the period outside annoys me, so i think i shall continue to place it inside the ""s. i don't care. wait- nope. still don't care.


egrmh- what the alarm clock said this morning when Kyle beat it for announcing the hour. i laughed. but i think we may need a new clock.