Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Trivial Pursuit Tuesdays

I love TP. Especially Charmin. Just kidding! I'm talking TP as in Trivial Pursuit. (Could that be any cornier? You don't have to answer). I am the first to tell you that I'm not the best at obscure trivia questions, but that doesn't mean I don't get a nice feeling in my underpants when I get a piece of my trivia pie in order.

Of all of the thousands of Trivial Pursuit question cards out there - Genus Edition (the blue and gold one that you can find 100% of the time at Goodwill) - I stumbled upon a card crumpled on the ground that, in the Arts and Literature category, asked this question:

"What college handbook edited by Lisa Birnbach described how to be really top drawer?"

Because the answer to that question holds the secret to my inspiration behind naming my blog 'The Duck Motif,' I hearby declare EVERY Tuesday night Trivial Pursuit Tuesdays! It was a eureka moment; whatelse could I declare?!

So here's the deal. We're playing TP every Tuesday night. But this isn't a blog. No. This is a living room. You may team up or go it alone: but just like in the real world, you cannot run to the Internet to find your answer. Ahem! I'm serious! I'm the world's biggest advocate of the honor system. Dig deep for your answer. Use a lifeline if you have to. Run to your favorite reference librarian and ask he/she for help. But don't use friggin' Google or you'll have really bad luck for the next seven days. [Now the lifeline and/or librarian may not use Google either, or they'll have bad luck for thirteen days. Sorry folks. That's just how it goes]. I will ask just one question, from whatever category I want and you get ample time to think it over.

You can post your answer to the comments - and even if a thousand people have commented before you (don't worry! - this is the Duck Motif - that will never happen!), you will still get a piece of pie for answering correctly. And for participating. Because who doesn't like a little bit of trivia, anyway? Triva and/or virtual pie?

And if I remember to do this every Tuesday for six consecutive Tuesdays and you get six answers correct, you will get something. Like This.

Before I make up any more ridiculous rules, I'd like to stop myself and then say, "Please play TP with me!"

Again, this week's question:

"What college handbook edited by Lisa Birnbach described how to be really top drawer?"

Ready. Set. Rack your brain.


kimberlina said...


hmmm... well................

you see.........

... huh...............

gee willikers.........

..... *hemming & hawing*...

could it ... be....

damnit! i pass!

madge said...

you get a pie for effort.

Monkey said...

The Preppie Handbook?

madge said...

Monkey: Correct! You get some pie.

Monkey said...

Oh my! I'm so proud and so embarrassed at the same time.

madge said...

Do not be embarrassed! Come to think of if, I should be embarrassed...