Monday, October 17, 2005

Small, manageable parts.

  • Write thank-you to S. Suzanne.
  • Mail the Halloween mystery package and photos to Dad from our Sanibel trip @ airport post office.
  • Complete 3 book evaluations for YA lit. (2 down)
  • Perchance watch Wife Swap, and cackle with delight.
  • Eat the snow peas before they go to the point of no return.
  • Do the dishes!!!
  • Call my older sister and see if she wants to help me celebrate my birthday.


Meghan said...

hey, why isn't "Read Meghan's Blog" on that list? kidding! Looks like you'll be busy for awhile. Cheers!


ezotifu- something found only on menus in Eugene.

madge said...

ezotifu. That's hilarious!

Meghan said...

as is the fact that i was in the middle (correction- AM in the middle) of posting, and i got your comment... heheh!


xjrodytt- one of those harmful chemicals found in the ground surrounding old gas stations.

Spinning Girl said...

When is your birthday? Fess up.

madge said...

Oh Spinning Girl...Darling Spinning is, precisely, October 29th. 5:50 a.m., PST.

Meghan said...

hahaha, thanks for the comment, Madge. made me smile.

The day I get me a camera is the day I have the means to purchase one. This is also the day that I buy myself some new Converses (can you tell from the photos how beat up they are?)... Cheers!


hhhrog- another kind of animal I won't eat.

Calzone said...

Why did you kill that bird and turn it into a lightbulb? Is this a threat to someone??

Spinning Girl said...

got it.

love the new avatar!

madge said...

Calzone: That's what I do with birds, I turn them into bulbs. Plastic, no less. It's a good thing you're a dragon. But I don't think this is a threat.

Meghan: Ok, but I love old Converse. I had some in high school that I wore to death.

Spinning Girl knows my birthday, whoo-ha!