Monday, October 03, 2005

I miss all of you, reader darlings.

I am back. And it feels good to be back. I want to thank all of you lovely readers for your sympathies and thoughts.

Hmmm. Where to begin? Well, in list format (with bullets, no less):

  • Last week, I was in Denver momentarily, Portland for five days, Denver momentarily again, Tampa, and then Sanibel, FL.
  • I was a pall bearer in my grandma's funeral. Coffins are very heavy. Esecially with grandmas in them! Her funeral mass was lovely. It was the prettiest funeral I've ever been to; it was happy-sad, but it was punctuated with the loveliest kind of quiet...and somber-Ave-Maria-on-the-piano.
  • I saw a lot of relatives and family friends and had some really yummy food. Molasses cookies are better than anything in the world. Especially when you're feeling glum.
  • I did a wee bit of shopping and my rubber stamp collection has seven new additions.
  • I just wrote "wee bit" and it's staying.
  • My dad flew back with me to Florida on Wednesday night (last week) and we went to Sanibel to enjoy a vacation that was planned before my grandma's death. I have never laughed so hard in recent months. My dad is a real card. It was his mom who passed, but we were partying like my grandma would have liked us to do.
  • My rad '95 Toyota Corolla got some major tune-uppage.
  • We rode bikes. A lot.
  • We experienced a red tide. As a result, we happened upon 345,796 dead fish, horse shoe crabs and (what looked like) eels, all washed up on the Florida gulf coast. It was a real stinky deal. Because some of those many fish were (what looked like to me, anyway) blowfish, I have had the Little Mermaid song, "Under the Sea" in my head for days ('and oh dat blowfish blow!'). You're jealous now, aren't you?
  • Speaking of songs in my head...Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On' has been in there for a few days now. ...War is not the answer....
  • I dropped my dad off at the airport today. I felt like a little baby because I came home and had myself a good cry. I think it was because we were keeping each other glued and laughing and holy S! it's hard being so far from family when the family is grieving.
Okay my peeps. I'm holding back something else. Something REAAAALLLY big. Something REAAAALLLLY exciting. I got some new wheels.

Well. I got myself a bike.

I know. I know! You're dying to see photos. They're coming...I've been at war (even though it's not the answer) with my digital camera lately. The battery charger thingy is on the fritz (no, not that Fritz). So when I get the camera together, I'll make sure you see my pictures. I did sneak some in of a Portland sunset, too. And plane ride photos, as well. And then it died.

Okay, and I want to thank Harry Yak, my newest reader and Beatles fan, for his comments. And to all of you again, THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for your sympathies. It's hard to "miss" people you don't really "know," but I did. I really thought of you lots!! :-)


carolina anne said...

I still haven't had the motivation to post. I did buy myself a personal journal today for all of the things I need to say when the computer isn't around. I miss you.

Meghan said...

i'm glad you mourned like an irisher (eating good food and having the kind of laugh they'd've had if they were around). and congrats on the new bike! bikes rock.

you were definitely missed. cheers! and molasses cookies rock.


madge said...

Annie: but you must post. Please! What kind of journal did you buy?

Meghan: though my family isn't irish (that i'm aware), we certainly should be. and my grandma really, really, really should have been irish, for reasons i'm sure you can guess ;)

Calzone said...

Sorry about you grandma dude

kimberlina said...

ah, sanibel. i worked at a seafood restaurant down there for a while. it's incredible to know how much it's changed since hurricane charley - you can see so much more of the sky now. and i think the toll was raised to $6! insane.

i'm glad you got to spend quality time with your dad - what a wonderful beachy beautiful floridian area to be in, even with the red tide, which hopefully didn't hurt your throat-al area. ;) (that's my intensive anatomoy & physiology class coming through at you.) *laugh*

madge said...

Yo Calzone: thanks dude.

Kimberlina: I am so happy that I was able to visit Sanibel a few times before Charley. Oh those trees. Oh how I miss the trees that canopied the streets. But it is still lovely in its own mysterious way. That could be due in part to the $6 toll...insanity, for real.

My dad and I loved every moment there - even when our throat-al areas would spontaneously tickle us into coughing oblivion. At first, we didn't believe it would happen. But now we are true believers: red tides do some funky things to the throat!

The afternoon storms were amazing - I have been missing the rain in Tampa this has been so freakin' dry!!

Spinning Girl said...

oh, it is so good to have you back! I see I have some reading to do. :)