Thursday, October 13, 2005

I directed a small film once.

Please, get out your popcorn, folks.

Won't you please watch it?

My Movie


胡說八道 said...

well ...the film all by urself..ur excellent

FRITZ said...

Good one. I'm really impressed...the actors conveyed such feeling.

John said...

Word Verifier: The Gathering
Episode III: Dead Menace


Only in the Hideout

I'll watch yours if you play mine!


Calzone said...

I loved it yo.

Meghan said...

hahahaha, the bear said "dame." yay!


ekkfddgj- the result of falling asleep on the "home row" of the keyboard.

Cheryl said...

Most excellent.

kimberlina said...

hey madge! sorry i haven't been posting. i'll be on it hardcore after my test tonight. OI! :)

noted: will be watching film by madge.

Pirate said...

The next Speilberg.

madge said...

?????: That's 1,2,3,4,5 ?'s. Thank you. And thank you.

Fritz: I worked really hard to get my actors prepared for their big debut. They'll be overjoyed to hear this.

Hitman: I played, I played!

Calzone: Your gangsta style was partial inspiration.

Meghan: Dames! The Bear actually adlibbed this. I was like, well, ok. I guess you can.

Harry Yak: Revenge is a dish best served cold. [I'm so sick of that phrase.]

Cheryl: Thank you, SoCal Oregonian! :)

Kimberlina: The real world has you busy?! can't be!! I have missed you! But best of luck on your exam. Yeeeesh!

Pirate: Thank you. I'm honored.

kimberlina said...

i laughed, i cried! it was a beautiful & exhilarating emotional rollercoaster!