Tuesday, September 06, 2005

White Stripes

Last week it was the fingernails, this week it's the hair:

A co-worker says to me she's getting her hair colored. After we talk about her, then we talk about me. I say something like I have virgin hair. Never been colored, treated, permed, whatever. I'm afraid of all things high maintenance.

I casually mention that I'm getting a few random white hairs, at the young age of 25, and that maybe I should think of coloring my hair. Darling co-worker shakes her head, as if to tell me that I don't need to get any color. Ahhh. The head shake was completely reaffirming. Until she decided to interpret it:

"You don't have that many."

Okay. Ouch. Needless to say, the white hairs on my head were feeling a trifle self conscious today. I can't blame them. It's not like they STICK out or anything.



Unknown said...

Wow, i JUST posted that post. Since you're a south-Floridian who likes Weezer, you going to the Weezer/Foo Fighters show? It'll be a hoot!

Monkey said...

At least you don't have a Cruella Deville Streak of white in front like I do. Though, I'm actually starting to enjoy it.

madge said...

James: While my boyfriend and I have talked about going to either W/FF show this weekend, we haven't actually purchased tickets. A hoot, for sure. Maybe that's why we haven't committed!!

Monkey: Thank you for delurking! Now let's talk about hair. Cruella Deville, Cruella Deville, if her white streak doesn't scare you, then nobody's will...So, are you like really a monkey?

Monkey said...

Oh the vagaries of whether I am really a monkey or not...

See, I am a stuffed puppet monkey. And I live with a woman, a man and a boy. (And various other animals.) Sometimes the woman, who is older than dirt mind you, she forgets that she is posting for me and writes something stupid about herself, like about her hair. It's sad. Truly it is.

I'll have her come over here and post under her own ID sometime.

Anonymous said...

When it's only a few hairs most women just pull them out. No sense coloring until you have to... it's expensive and time consuming and never the same color twice. Or just let them show... badges of honor.

madge said...

cj: thank you for the advice. and thank goodness for tweezerman tweezers.

carolina anne said...

maggie the only white hairs i've ever seen from your head are the few that you've found, pulled out, and taken the time to show me. i always thought you had used mom's brush and some of her whites had found refuge on your head.

madge said...

Aren't you the sweetest, Annie girl.