Thursday, September 22, 2005

I love you Edna Mae

Dear Madge Community,

Word came from Portland early this morning that my grandma died. Though her death came out of the blue, it was truly for the better; she has long (10+ years) suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. I am flying to Portland on Saturday for some five days. Today was bittersweet - tomorrow might be sad. And the following days could be sadder. But you know something? Today I realized that my grandma would want nothing more than for me to have a glass of wine and to party. Her mind is now free!

The woman that said "I figured out the secret to life when I turned 38"...

Edna Mae. July 3, 1925 - September 21, 2005.


Monkey said...

"I figured out the secret to life when I turned 38"

She said that? It's true. Not enough people figure it out though.

Sorry for your loss. Your grandmother was very pretty. Which Portland? East or West?

madge said...

thank you monkey - west coast portland.

she really said that. i have just about twelve years to go...

kimberlina said...

hello miss madge, so sorry to hear the news. alzheimer's can be really rather rough. i hope you had that glass of wine and had happy thoughts - may they console you and others in the coming days.

madge said...

thank you kimberlina. yes, i consumed a glass of wine (x2). i'll tell you - she was one of a kind. lots of happy thoughts to go around...

carolina anne said...

Grandma sassed everyone! I remember once at her old house grandpa told us spider webs were so strong they could withold the harshest beatings of water... so she took me outside and we hosed down every web we came across

Spinning Girl said...

I love your grandmother, and I never met her. Thanks for this little peek into her spirit. I will be thinking of you as you grieve this loss.