Monday, September 05, 2005

his fleece was white as snow

I have to admit, it was a lot of fun posting a vintage illustration of Simple Simon a couple days ago. For no reason, I think I'll continue with the new favorite hobby, even if the material doesn't fit the picture. Here we have Mary, complete with slate, apple, and friend lamb. Friend lamb is complete with one gigantic and absolutely unnecessary light blue bow.

Last night I watched the Ballad of Jack & Rose. Sounds like a lovely film, right? The Ballad of Jack & Rose. Say it. Hear yourself say it. What a lovely movie title! I selected it because of an age-old addiction I have with Catherine Keener - and I was curious about the ballad of Daniel Day Lewis and Camilla Belle (Jack & Rose, respectively). Really, I didn't want much out of it:

1) lovely film to match lovely movie title
2) Catherine Keener fix
3) insanely good Jack & Rose plot

How did my expectations pan out?

-1) Lovely cinematography, sometimes. But desires of a lovely film were not matched. The story wasn't pretty, granted, but I just wanted lovely. And sometimes unpretty is lovely (just ask TLC, right?), but in this case, I couldn't find lovely.

+2) Catherine Keener was just what I needed.

-3) I'm not intrigued by incest. Okay, maybe between brother and sister, but NOT between father and daughter.

Negative two movie points?! Grrrr. And so that ends my Ballad of Jack & Rose discussion.


Spinning Girl said...

Hmmm, I'll save my $$.

Love the lamby!

Mary had a little lamb,
it ran into a pylon.
10000 volts shot up its ass
and turned its wool to nylon.


carolina anne said...

i bet you DIDN'T know (unless i told you last semester) that in native hawaiian culture/religion incest was known as divinity.

kimberlina said...

isn't it so sad when you want to see a movie expecting it to be somewhat good and it let's you down? bleah! also, september first was mary had a little lamb day. it's on my work calender, oddly enough; don't ask me why. i hope i used that semi-colon correctly.

madge said...

I think I love that September 1st was Mary Had A Little Lamb Day - and here I had no idea.

Incest. Divine? Hmmm. Between father and young daughter, it doesn't seem like it could be consentual in any way possible. Jack (in the film!) at one point says he's "sorry for everything" - which is open to interpretation, I guess.

Something else random about the movie that bugged: the soundtrack! The audience is treated to solid classic rock throughout, and then the last song was, well, not classic rock! I was upset at the inconsistency. Blah!