Saturday, September 17, 2005


This is one of the reasons why I love Florida. It always looks so spooky (and I'm not talking about our butts, people). This was the first day our dog ever saw horses. We hiked along this old Civil War trail and sometimes we saw the backsides of cracker houses. One home had two of the sweetest horses you'd ever want to know, frolicking about on their acreage. When they saw my dog, my boyfriend and me, they galloped in our direction. Our dog was a bit wigged. He really wanted to play and he started acting very goofy. The horses appeared to be laughing at him. But in a good way. We all decided it was best there was a fence that separated us, otherwise there may have been too much laughing. So we left the horses and hiked along.


Spinning Girl said...

Sweet; especially the picture.

Monkey said...

I love this photograph!

I grew up in Florida, and this is what it looked like back in the early 70s before everything got built up. The street we lived on looked like this. The bridge over to the island we lived on was wooden.

At the rate it's going, where I grew up... palmettos will become an endangered species.

madge said...

Whoa...a wooden bridge?! My boyfriend tells me those same kinds of stories. (He's 3rd generation Palm Beach County). Old Florida is BEA-U-TI-FUL, but you're right, it is disappearing faster than you can say Katherine Harris for Senate and I'll kill myself. He and I do our best, weather permitting, to take in as much of natural Florida as we can. We LOVE the state parks here...

kimberlina said...

hey, i like natural florida, too!

well, except for the mosquito swarms.

and the humidity.

and well, the fact that chiggers live in spanish moss.
