Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Before you throw away a crusty, rusty sponge, first, ask its rightful owner. Always.*

Warning: I cannot claim authorship for what follows this purplish-colored Georgian font. One of my co-workers, can, however. I'm a little concerned about her mental health. And the fact that she doesn't like it when people water down her soap. Please enjoy this cut and pasted e-mail, and the next time you think you're working with fuckin' weirdos, you can think to yourself, "No, no, that Madge girl has it far worse than me." And then you will silently mouth a "thank you" up to the heavens, and get on with your day.

*Zero edits have been made to protect the stupid.

My brush that I use for cleaning my straw that goes with my water container is missing. The sponges, dish detergent, 2 dish cleaning wands for water and detergent, and brushes in the third floor break room are not school property. I have been providing these cleaning products since I moved to the third floor. This is the second straw cleaning brush missing and someone also sometimes waters down my soap. I usually keep spare sponges and sponges for the cleaning wands under the sink. Sometimes people will throw away my sponge before I bring a replacement. I don’t mind sharing these products, but the brushes are not cheap and this is not the first time one is missing. It may have been thrown away. The brushes are all rusty either on the metal parts or rust covers the bristles as our water has a high rust content. I don’t mind sharing these materials, but I do mind replacing something that was there one day and still good and comes up missing. I have replaced the missing straw brush as it hasn’t shown up since last Wednesday. I waited until today so I wouldn’t be angry when I sent this message.

Thank you and have a great day.


kimberlina said...

wow!! i am so impressed by your niceness! my job barely provides us with soap; sometimes there's so little left i have to scrape the dried soap that's left on the top of the squeeze cap to get any sudsing action (i'm sad like that). and sponges! oh heaven forbid - i use paper towels since the sponge that's there... well, let's say it's been there for almost a year and i'm sure it's down to 1/8th its original size. ah, the kindness of strangers. [word verification: oafmt]

madge said...

I climbed Oaf Mt. in July of 1993. Oh, I'm just kidding. You want a word ver? Try this one: hxhzjbfh. Why are some so much easier than others? I feel like I'm in keyboarding class all over again...

Spinning Girl said...

today in my school everybody was fighting over 3 missing fans.

madge said...

SG: missing fans have actually been an issue at my school, too. i bet that, in the near future, you could possibly have a sponge issue.

FRITZ said...

Holy Crap. Someone is that nuts? I don't feel so bad now about making the bed every morning, no matter what.