Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the whole pacakge.

I'm getting a graduate degree in ___________. (You have to guess).

I had one of my first classes tonight and it was a little depressing. You know those friends you make that are in your particular area of study, and you end up having every subject-specific class with them and you even go out for drinks after class or on the weekends to get to know each other better and kvetch about things beyond your professor's crying fits or that one "non-traditional" student that pipes up with the same anecdote during every discussion? (Exhale Madge, and quit writing such long sentences). Yeah, those friends? Those really lovely friends that are going exactly what you're going through and it's kind of fateful that you ever really meet in the first place? Those are the ones I'm talking about. Ahhhhhhhh.

My friend like that got married in July and took off for Nawth Carolina and now we will never have another class together again.

I wasn't expecting to be so bummed out. I almost started to cry when "non-traditonal" student piped up with the same anecdote, still, one year later no less, in a completely different class. I had no one to turn to and exchange goofy facial expressions with. So now I will turn to you. Except, unless I get all artsy with my digital camera, you won't see my facial expressions.

[And by the way, "non-traditional" student will get zero blog time from me. You can guess all of the stories about her that I will never tell, because I am so irritated with her today that I would rather have Dr. Peter Venkman give me shock therapy for being right and ugly than have to think about her anymore.]

Okay you bloggers: here's a little story about the new student I didn't know sitting to my left: he was wearing sweat shorts.

Ewwww. Sweat shorts. Men in sweat shorts. (That's really all the more glory that random guy is going to get from me. Now it's on to Memory Lane).

I couldn't help but remember, when I saw those hot puppies, that one of the first times I went out to dinner with my boyfriend and his dad, I saw a man in sweat shorts, sitting with one leg up on a chair. Because of those two things happening at the same time, sweat shorts and leg up, I saw his buck-fifty flapping in the wind like a "look mom! no hands!" maneuver that children do on lame roller coaster rides.

The entire time we were eating.

So the whole time, whilst in class, I was thinking about that crusty old memory. And why everyone in my future profession is such a fucking weirdo. One exception being a newlywed in Nawth Carolina. And me. That makes two.

I am such a dense critical thinker.


carolina anne said...

I used to have the biggest crush on Dr. Venkman. And Katina had a similar experience in her Death and Dying class. The prof wore short shorts, no undies and had one leg propped up on a chair the whole time. The visual was a whole lot worse to take in than the subject matter, needless to say.

kimberlina said...

kuh-reepie! what's up with men needing to show off their nether bits?! i had an old man in italy smoosh himself around in front of me on a hiking path. then another guy in a parking lot in the same "leg-up" position you described; he was sitting in his open-door van. *shudder* men are weird.

madge said...

Annie, I would just die! (pun completely intended!)

yeah, Kimberlina returns! Nether bitsies. Ooooh, men are weird!

Spinning Girl said...

Mm, delicious.
I am going to guess speech therapy as your degree. Am I right?

madge said...

Funny you would guess that. But...it's something else. A clue:

The typical person in my future profession is actually far more of a fuckin weirdo than a speech therapist could ever hope to be.

They tend to be social malfunctions.

kimberlina said...

hmmmmm... psychology? i've noticed that psychology majors tend to be social misfits of a sort (up to and exceeding the "fuckin' weirdos" level). *laugh*